#179. Bay TB mare, Irregular Star. 23 yrs. old. Appx. 16 hands? This is really nice mare. She recently had a foal that died. They do not know why the foal died. Yes, she is older, but she is the Dam of 8 registered racing TB's, 4 of which are winners. She was originally owned by N.B. Hunt of Kentucky. It is my understand that Mr. Hunt has passed away. Papers will go to new owner. Foaled 3/16/76
Out of Socializing
By Noble Decree
Supper is a granddaughter of Vaguely Noble, who was the sire of Exceller. Exceller died in a slaughterhouse in 1997 because his owner didn't want to pay for his upkeep anymore.
Dear Friends, It is with much sadness that I forward the following update on Supper to you. Thank you for being there for her. When I told the horses of TIER that Supper was no longer with us, they all became very quiet. As I turned out a few of the residents, they congregated in the center of the arena for a bit. Almost as if they were having a moment of prayer. Suddenly, heads raised and they were off!! Tails flagged and dust flying! I feel that Supper was there running in the wind with them as Grace stopped, lifted her beautiful graying face and nickered to the wind! Supper was very much loved!!! Gail
"On the morning of Oct 3rd, a very gracious lady crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Supper was a most wonderful old soul who deeply touched everyone who met her, and her passing has created an empty spot in the hearts of all who knew & loved her. My elderly parents had taken Supper into their hearts as "their horse", providing her with goodies and a sand pile for rolling & sun bathing she was the perfect nanny and her little charges are lost & can be seen looking up the pasture, wondering where their foster mother has gone Supper was a constant joy, always loving & looking for attention, never letting her past destroy her gentle nature & kindness maybe my shoer said it best " a wonderful old mare has finally found the green pasture she so deserved". To everyone who worked so hard to save Supper and send her to me, THANK YOU!
Supper's doing really good. I've included photos of her repair job just moments after it was done. It looks great today & she no longer has any discharge. She's had her teeth floated, hooves trimmed and must feel like a new mare. <g> The heat's taken it's toll on all my oldies. Supper got a stylish haircut to help her cool off since she never finished shedding her winter woolies. Left the midline to protect her from belly flies and her topline & sides to protect the old bones & skin while resting & rolling. The clip job did make a difference in keeping her cooler. And she loves for me to hose her off. I think she'd stand for hours if I'd keep hosing. But even in all our 100 heat, the silly ol' girl likes to lay in her sand pile in the sun. My dad put a couple tractor scoops of sand out so she'd have a soft spot to roll. My folks have quite a soft spot for "their" horse. Supper's Mom
Supper is doing good and will be even better after Fri. She's scheduled to have her failed caslicks fixed & her teeth floated. Her vulva stays irritated & she has a touch of vaginitis (plus who knows what else). My vet says our ol' girl will be a lot more comfortable once she's repaired & cleaned up. We love seeing her roam around the house w/her little charges tagging along. She seems to be happy & content wandering the pasture at her leisure. Plus she comes in & helps mow my yard occassionally.
Supper has gone to her new home where she will remain for the rest of her life. A wonderful TIER supporter adopted her for the express purpose of providing her with a safe, reliable, loving home for life. A Mom who understand the commitment and the gift of having Supper in her life. Thanks so very, very much Mom!

Our thanks to Riverside County Animal control for being there........Just In Time For Supper!!

A BIG thank you to the TIER supporter who helped to arrange transport for Supper to go to her new home! You know who you are my friend and we thank you so very much for your continued support!!
Supper has gained weight nicely. We have wormed her with Panacur, as her system is still fragile. She is shedding out the dull/unhealthy coat, which was the result of starvation. Her vaginal discharge has cleared up considerably (although she does have a failed caslick), as has the 'weeping' from her eyes and the runny nose.
Our lovely Supper is a favorite with the youth groups who visit ever week. She absolutely loves being groomed by those small hands!! She is very careful about accepting treats from the youngsters and will lower her great head for a rub/pat from the children. The children were saddened when they first saw this regal lady upon her arrival at TIER. The children asked questions as to "Why would someone do this to this sweet girl?" "Why do people do this?" "What did Supper do to deserve being starved?" etc. Unfortunately, we do not have an explanation.
Supper's magnetic personality not only drew the children to her right away, but she became Grace's best friend! Grace has not tightly bonded with another horse at TIER prior to Supper's arrival. Although Grace does get along with everyone, it was Supper that she loved to be with. They would frolic together eyes alight with joy as they dashed around the pasture area! They would do a "rolling duet" when turned out together. It almost seemed as if they had choreographed their movements as they would drop to their knees at the same time and then roll on one side, get up and then roll on the other side. They would then jump up throw those tails in the air and run, run, run!! Finally, they would drop their heads and graze side by side or stand together for hours.

Supper's personality is so kind and gentle that we felt comfortable with letting her out with Pearl!! Being that Supper was such a big girl and sometimes so full of energy as she became healthier, we were hesitant for Pearl to be around her as she is so much smaller and cannot move quickly. But, Supper being Supper, was careful and loving with Pearl! Why......Pearl never once yelled at her or had a bad thing to say about her!!
This lovely girl's gigantic heart and willingness to survive is amazing! Officials told us that when she was originally seized from the organization, one of the officers recommended euthanasia due to her obvious condition. The attending veterinarian made the decision to not euthanize her as he "saw something in her" that indicated she was a fighter. We are so grateful!! The gentleman who went with us to pick Supper up from the facility where she was being held recently told me he had thought that she would die shortly after we brought her to TIER. This gentleman has been around horses for decades and has seen allot. In fact, when he came to TIER a few weeks after Supper's arrival, he asked us "Where's that starved Thoroughbred mare we picked up?" When we pointed her out to him, he was surprised!! He didn't even recognize her anymore!! The statement "You know, Supper is a hard keeper?" is so very untrue!! All we had done was fed her properly, gave her fresh water, vitamins, had her teeth and feet done, wormed & vaccinated her (after she was healthier)!! Hugged on her, brushed her, turned out to socialize and play. Felt her warm, loving breath on our faces and looked into her knowing eyes. We gave her normal horse care.......all the rest came from Supper!! She blossomed and gave us so much more in return!
Supper was seized by Animal Control on 10/04/2002 during a raid on the organization that had assured TIER & TIER supporters that they would provide a safe, healthy home for life. TIER picked up supper approximately 2 months after the seizure upon approval by the authorities. She was still emaciated after being fed properly during the time she was in Animal Control's custody. She was severely underweight, had rain rot along her spine, thick/dull coat, runny - swollen eyes and nose due to her weakened immune system, and vaginal discharge, which she also had in August 2000 at the time of her placement with the organization.
WARNING! Graphic pictures below!

A vet was called prior to her arrival at TIER and an appointment made for an immediate full check up. Blood was drawn and samples of the discharges taken for analysis. At that point, the vet indicated that due to her emaciated condition, he was hesitant to prescribe antibiotics as the impact to her liver & kidneys might cause damage. Amazingly, results of the blood panel were normal!! Discharge fluids (eyes, nose, vagina) results indicated deficient immune system. She was immediately placed on a diet of Orchard hay, Timothy hay, alfalfa, vitamins (Pawier vitamins for the first few weeks and then Evergreen Insure vitamins) and Timothy/Bermuda/Brohme pellets. When we had contacted the owners of the organization immediately after the seizure, we were told, "You know, Supper is a hard keeper?" This statement was/is completely erroneous!!
When we bathed this beauty, the water that ran off her was a dingy gray and oily. She was washed 3 times in one session! Her coat was matted with quite a bit of unhealthy hair that had finally begun to shed.
Supper continues to improve. No one has ridden her yet, and with all the other activity, she probably won't be ridden soon.
On September 24, 2000 my husband and I went to California Horse Protection to visit Supper! She is looking remarkably well and happy considering what she has been through!
Once Supper arrived at CHP a vet determined that she had a raging uterine infection! Not surprising considering she had just had a foal.....not sure whether it lived or not. They had tried to breed her again, and when she didn't take, they dumped her at a feedlot. From there, a wonderful group of people got together, stepped in and saved her life! CHP is providing her with a wonderful new home.
The infection is now almost completely gone, but since it had been left untreated for so long, she is still, understandably, thin. But, she is bright eyed, curious and quite loving! She also managed to get an abscess on her right ankle which has been treated and is healing also. To ensure the wound stays clean, she has a wrap over the area which is changed daily. Supper has a big gray TB mare as a roommate in her big living quarters. She is the sweetest thing! Comes right up to the fence when you call her name.
Thank goodness she is still living and breathing and someone calls her name!
CHP has said visitors are welcome to visit at any time. Although I know some of you aren't close enough to do so, the others that are close enough can call CHP (the website is listed above and their phone/address should be there) and schedule a visit.

Several wonderful people banded together to send funds to pay Supper's ransom! We were finally able to come up with her ransom, but the problem was where was Supper to go? TIER has absolutely no room and all the rescues in the area I contacted were in the same boat! All of us are at full capacity. After doing some checking, we contacted a fairly new rescue in the area. We received affirmative feedback from various sources about this rescue before we asked them if they had room for Supper. Thankfully, California Horse Protection not only passed our screening, but they had room! Yes. Supper arrived at CHP bright eyed. It was determined that she has no back teeth (big contributing factor to her lack of weight gain) and that she also has a uterine infection which is being treated! (No wonder the gal couldn't put on any weight!). Thank you CHP! http://cahorseprotection.myassociation.com/home.jsp
Update 9/24/00 - On September 24, 2000 my husband and I went to California Horse Protection to visit Supper! She is looking remarkably well and happy considering what she has been through!
Once Supper arrived at CHP a vet determined that she had a raging uterine infection! Not surprising considering she had just had a foal.....not sure whether it lived or not. They had tried to breed her again, and when she didn't take, they dumped her at a feedlot. From there, a wonderful group of people got together, stepped in and saved her life! CHP is providing her with a wonderful new home.
The infection is now almost completely gone, but since it had been left untreated for so long, she is still, understandably, thin. But, she is bright eyed, curious and quite loving! She also managed to get an abscess on her right ankle which has been treated and is healing also. To ensure the wound stays clean, she has a wrap over the area which is changed daily. Supper has a big gray TB mare as a roommate in her big living quarters. She is the sweetest thing! Comes right up to the fence when you call her name.
Thank goodness she is still living and breathing and someone calls her name!
CHP has said visitors are welcome to visit at any time. Although I know some of you aren't close enough to do so, the others that are close enough can call CHP (the website is listed above and their phone/address should be there) and schedule a visit.
