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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

Sorrell/Chestnut National Show Horse. No papers. 3 white socks and a blaze. This is one wonderful horse. He is a true 16.2 hands. He will lick your hand or lick your face. Big beautiful boy. This horse knows his stuff. He was professionally trained at one time and has been shown. Somehow this horse has fallen through the cracks and ended up at the feedlot!!! I cannot say enough about this horse. He clips, ties, trailers, changes leads, an absolutely great horse. Anyone can ride him beginner, intermediate, advanced. Please dont let him fall to the bottom of the barrell and death



Sunny has mellowed a bit since he has been here. He loves for you to breathe near his nostrils. Will breath deep, then nuzzle the top of your head and if you're not careful, slurp most of your face. Did you know that he tries to put his own blanket on? Even more amazing is that he will STOP EATING and come over to you to "help" you. Just hold the blanket up so he can see the "hole" for his head, and he sticks his head in there. His blanket is red, so I make jokes while holding the blanket up and to my side (so he doesn't head butt me) "Toro! Toro!" I guess you had to be there. This horse had to have been somebody's baby at one time. I wonder if they have a clue what fate he almost met.


This horse was saved by a wonderful lady who has named him Sunny. Sunny now enjoys the good life with no threat of what his future might be.  Thanks Sandy!

Here are the overdue pictures of Sunny! These were taken about 1 week after he came home from Suzy's house. He's much better filled out now!

sunny3.jpg (20116 bytes)sunny1.jpg (11881 bytes)



True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025