The vet has come and the tune of 260.00!!!!!!! Arghhhhhh! But, Slim is doing so much better!
The vet arrived and promptly went to work on Slim. She bathed his sheath with antiseptic soap and cleaned the area. A &ldquococktail&rdquo (I believe it was a combination of Ace & Rompum) was administered so that Slim&rsquos penis would drop and she could examine it to see if the swelling, etc. involved this part of his anatomy. Thankfully, all is well in this department. Whew!
I had wanted to take pictures so that folks would be able to see what it was that we were so concerned about. The vet was insistent that I hold Slim so that she would be safe and also because he was pretty groggy and I needed to hold his head up. So.... no pictures of the hugely swollen problem. Sorry. That boy's head sure did get heavy!! By the time she was done my arms felt like they were going to fall off! HAA!
The vet injected a combination of injectible ivermectrine, Lydocaine to localize the treatment and Vetalog (steroid). Slim does have Cushings, and she was concerned about the use of steroids so she kept the amount used to a minimum. She did several small injections - mostly done directly in the lesion. She called it a lesion and I called it Slim&rsquos attempt at Do-It-Yourself Sheath Reconstruction since he had torn the sheath open as it began to heal and itch.
After sticking it to Slim, she administered a mixture of Panalog and injectible ivermectrine to the outside of the sheath and over the affected area. This mixture, along with a tube of Bute paste will be used in the coming days as his follow up treatment. Even though Slim had been wormed with Ivermectrine the week before, the vet told us to give him another tube and that was done. A pretty drowsy Slim was placed back in his pen until the drugs wore off and he could again be turned out to move around at will and keep the circulation going.
Our fear of infection spreading through Mr. Slim&rsquos body has been put to rest! Hallelujah!! The vet indicated that there was not any infection and even told us that we had done a good job of keeping it clean! I asked if we had over reacted in calling the vet out for an emergency and she indicated that we hadn&rsquot. Had the swelling been allowed to continue, we might have had quite a different update for everyone.
We did not notice any huge reduction in swelling after Slim&rsquos treatment that day. But, the following day, the area behind the sheath and the sheath itself has greatly reduced. As Slim is older, some of the &lsquoswelling&rsquo in his sheath will remain as the skin has thickened. Because of this thickness, it was a bit difficult for the vet to inject and she had to change needles.
Slim is getting his Panacur/Ivermectrine ointment applied three or four times a day. The great thing about this (other than the healing) it that it also repels the flies. We don&rsquot have to put SWAT ointment on the area. The SWAT was keeping the area moist and not allowing it to heal well even though it did keep the flies off. Slim will also be receiving Bute paste twice a day for a couple days. When I turned him out this morning he immediately found a place in the arena to roll, got up, bucked, ran around a bit and then turned to look at me as if to say......&rdquoSee! I still got it!!&rdquo
Thank you all for your support, prayers, thoughts and caring. We appreciate it very much. Slim thanks you more than you can know!!