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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

#111 Dark Bay Arabian Mare. Star. No papers. Appx. 12 yrs. Appx. 15 hands. This mare is headshy. She rides, but she is a little hot. Has not been ridden in quite awhile and is quite heavy due to overfeeding by previous owners. Very, very cute, fat little mare!

Angelia saw this little butterball and decided that she should come live with her and her husband! This lovely mare's new name is Shaydra (hope I spelled that right) and will be going to her new home this week! But, she will not be going alone! Read on.......



Just wanted to give you a quick update on how Sahara and Shayla are doing. They're doing great !

Took Shayla out for her first ride the other day and she did really well considering how long its been since she's really been ridden. She was pretty hot, I think partly personality and partly no exercise, but was responsive to the bit. She was nervouse about the new surroundings and did spook at some things, but did my favorite type of spook. Of slowing or stopping and looking at the object and then walking by when I gave her a firm squeeze. No shying away or running away. Just stepped by warily, I was very impressed. We walked(well jigged, which I excused for the time being) and trotted and she slowed and stopped from pressure of a basic snaffle. Didn't work on any leg commands, in case she was sensitive, didn't want to many new things at once. Ran into another horse on the trail which she handled just fine. Though did try to kick the guys dog when it ran up on her heels, perfectly understandable, was fine with my dog(but he tends to go on the side or front, not in the back). Will have to later see if its anything coming up behind her that makes her let out a two-footed kick or just the dog. Haven't had a chance to take Sahara out, though I have gotten on him.

Both are relaxed and I think feeling at home. Last week was when I think they finally settled as they've started to show their oats by running and playing.

Sahara is currently eating the corral and barn. Got some pepper spray stuff until I can get him out consistently and releave his boredom.

Both love to be groomed and stand there sighing and leaning into the brushes. Both have pretty good manners, though Sahara is a slight nipper when loose, hasn't tried past his first two tries during his first week here, though he still puts his ears back and tilts his head toward you. I think he just likes to look nasty.

They're getting along pretty good with my mare(kristy). Though Sahara seems to be her pick on horse for some reason. Nothing to bad. No injuries and no food domination, but she does chase him around and growl at him about 80 of the time, then of course she wants to lovey with him. Her and Shayla seem fine. Kristy is the dominant one, but they tend to get along. Weird thing is Sahara has claimed the stall as his and tends to stay in there even when Krsity is being bitchy and won't leave, just stands his ground. At least don't have to worry about him being kicked out in the rain.

Well, that's it for now,




True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025