Rio is currently at Renee's. He went to Renee's to recover from strangles so bad that he had sores in his mouth, on the side of his mouth and horrible abscesses under his jaw. The abscess was so awful that Renee videoed the vet lancing it because she hadn't seen one this bad.  Rio will remain at Renee's until we can afford to put up a pen for him and bring him home. Sigh.
Here are the latest and greatest pictures of Rio! What a man! This little Arab cross (may be all Arab from what an experienced Arab lady has said) is a ball of fire.  Sores were in his mouth, on his tongue and a HUGE abscess under his jaw that even the vet was surprised by the amount of infection in there.
He is now fat, sassy and full of energy. We are in the same dilemma as we were with bringing Libbey home. We need another pen before we can bring Rio home. After he comes home, he will need training. Before that can begin though, we need to find the funds to have Moses trained.  Oh well, good things take time!