When she came to us, 11/6/2017, her hooves were significantly overgrown and it appeared she’d been in a pretty bad wreck at sometime in the past. Looks like she got caught up in some wire at some point as there is what appears to be an old wire cut on her left rear foot just above the coronary band. There is significant scarring on the left front hoof also. Whatever injury she had to that hoof compromised the coronary band and hoof growth, leaving a groove in her hoof. The suspensory ligaments in her front legs (especially the right) are impaired and she also has ringbone.
Ruby is a very sweet, accepting and kind mare. Very personable and approachable. When young people, children or folks not familiar with horses come to TIER, Ruby Too is one of the horses that is so easy to handle and groom, that she puts their uncertainty at ease. A lovely, lovely girl.
Over the past 3 years, 9 months, 14 days that she has been with us, her suspensory ligament in her right front leg has deteriorated. We have placed support wraps on that leg which initially helped quite a bit. As the years passed, her conditioned worsened. The farrier was here on 8/15/2021 and he was unable to lift her left front foot to trim properly because she cannot support her weight on the right front leg. The last 6 months she has dropped muscle tone, weight and is reluctant to move. We have been giving her pain relievers for quite some time.
We LOVE this gentle mare and she does not deserve to continue to be so uncomfortable. She has been a blessing and a light to us all. Today she will be assisted across the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you Ruby Too! It has been an absolute delight to have you with us. You will be lovingly remembered and greatly missed.