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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

Grey Arabian Mare. This mare is underweight. She rides, but the rider should be an advanced intermediate rider. Very nice and personable mare. Walks right up to you and follows you around. Papers on premises. Foaled 4/22/90.

This mare will be traveling with the two draft geldings to their new home! Lynda had told her husband how much she liked this mare and wanted to give her a home. So, being the wonderful and caring man that he is, Dan told me he would take Queenie--without Lynda knowing! HA! But, poor Dan can't keep a secret and Lynda is anxiously awiating the arrival of Queenie and Dan is waiting for his boys. Thanks again Dan & Lynda! OhLynda..Surprise! Ha!

Southern Queenn is doing well. She is beginning to show signs of gaining weight, had her feet trimmed, and a general exam by the vet. She got her vaccinations, worming, and had her teeth floated. THAT was fun! She did not wish to stand still and wait for her tranquilizer. She had a sprained tail which is beginning to heal. I decided on a whim to call her breeder the other day, and ask for some history on Queenie.

Well, come to find out, she was one of his most prized "babies". This man is elderly, 82 to be exact, and had begun to sell down some of his Arabian stock a few years back due to his increasing age. Queenie was sold about a year ago to a woman and her daughter for riding. He had been worried as he had never heard any feedback, and Queenie held a special place in his heart. When he found out she was now in MI, he on earth did that happen?? I told him as gently as I could how his beloved little mare ended up in a feedlot, most likely destined for slaughter, and the poor man was speechless. By the end of the phone call he was in tears, and thanked us again and again for saving his "baby", took our address and phone number, and we promised to give him updates.




True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025