Pilgrim has a spinal deformity which is an "S" curve of the spine and also an upward curve. Due to this deformity, he was sent to a feedlot at 9 months old and would have shipped to slaughter had it not been for a special donor who helped him come to TIER on 7/26/1999.
7/26/2017 - Happy Anniversary!
Pilgrim came to TIER 7/26/1999. He was at a feedlot (with Garret who is standing in the background) and was only 9 months old. On 7/26/2017 he will have been with us for 18 yrs! Years of his 'Dennis the Menace" antics, rubbing his butt on feeders, fences, etc. that constantly need repairs. And years of smiles and laughter with this smarty pants boy. Happy Anniversary Pilgrim!
4/20/2013 - We LOVE our VolunTIERS!
Pilgrim adores his new fan club.  We are so grateful for our VolunTIERS!
Pilgrim, the wonderfully bay/almost a camel TIER resident managed to find a piece of wire to step on. We removed him from his group of buddies on the day we noticed he was a bit off in his left front leg/foot. After examining his leg & hoof and finding no obvious problem, a call was put in to the vet. I was having nightmares/daymares thinking it might be a fracture or something, but there was no swelling and no heat. Cleaned out his feet and couldn't find anything. The vet cleaned out his foot and couldn't find much either. After using hoof testers and targeting the tenderness, he used a hoof knife to expose the hole left by the wire. (I later found the wire in one of the large pens.) Pilgrim seemed to love all the attention and didn't even blink when he was given a tetnus shot. He is now busy taking fly masks off any of the horses that come within Lip Distance! HA! We are packing the site daily and he will retun to his group of friends in a couple of days.
Pilgrim is our "other" Dennis the Menace! (Jordie being the other one.) Pilgrim is your typical 3 yr. old gelding. Getting into everything and roughhousing with Jordan over the fence. He is quite full of himself and just cute as can be. He can also be quite pushy. Although the spinal deformity causes him no problems with movement (backbone curves upward and has an "S" shape to it also) it does give you the illusion that his stride is short. Our vet told us that while watching him move, to put our hand up to our eyes and block out the view of the back deformity while concentrating on where he is putting his feet. When you do this, you can see that he moves just fine. Of course, Pilgrim knows he moves fine and proceeds to run, buck, kick and play throughout the arena or pasture.
Pilgrim is now a 2 ½ year old gelding. Pilgrim has a spinal deformity which is an "S" curve of the spine and also an upward curve. Due to this deformity, he will never be rideable and would only go to an approved home as a companion horse.
7/26/1999 - #72. Bay yearling QH cross stud colt
Yes, another one! This young either has a roach back (from birth) or was injured in his back. Large "bump" on the left part of his back, past midway and continuing to just before the hip. The "injury"/"birth defect" doesn't impair his movement in any way. He is sweet as can be and doesn't even know he is a stud.
His name is Pilgrim! A lovely lady named Betsy put up his ransom and the ransom was paid for today! He will be transported to my house until he can get a Coggins/Health Certificate and have a vet look at his back to determine if a long haul would cause him problems. If the vet gives a good bill of health, he will be going to his new home with a dear woman named Gina. Ladies, I cannot thank you enough for helping this little fella. We are looking forward to getting to know him during his stay!
Pilgrim was a stud yearling colt. He is now a gelding! Doesn't know it yet though, I don't think he knew he was a stud either! HA! He is the smartest little guy! He went through the surgery well and has recovered with no complications. If the lady adopting this boy spends a lot of time with him, she can teach him to do tricks (he already fetches and is learning to chase a ball). She could then take him around to some handicapped children, adults, etc. and show them that "even though you may look different, that doesn't mean you can't do things. And&hellipdo them better than most!" (This is strictly a Gail idea&hellipbut it works for me!). Pilgrim has never had his feet done. We are working on picking them up (he's doing well) in preparation for a visit from the same farrier that Callie is going to be using. We want Pilgrim to start out with the best possible trim!!
11/13/2002 - Pilgrim & Shak