8:45 AM (6/22/2015), I received a call from a gentleman about a donkey that had been dropped off on his property the evening before. The donkey is starved, losing its hair and has sores on the body and legs. He did not see who abandoned the Donkey. He had contacted Animal Control and was directed to call TIER.
This gentleman lives in a very rural area and his property is regularly visited by coyotes. He was terribly worried about the Donkey last evening and stayed with it over night. He parked his lawn chair near the donkey and had his shotgun nearby to deter the coyotes who were gathering near the fence line. He said the Donkey trembled when the coyotes started calling and ranging near it.
Toward morning the donkey laid down and now cannot get up. He sat with this donkey all night, covered it with a blanket, spooning water into its mouth and trying to feed it. The donkey was not interested in hay unless it was soaked and not very much of that. He was able to feed it 2 apples.