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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

TIER is happy to announce that we have a Foster Child! She is an appx. 6 month old PMU filly rescued by United Pegasus Foundation from the auctions in Canada.



Just got these pictures from my sister of Oreo. She is a really great babysitter and would love to watch over the new babies, but of course Mom's all say NO. Oreo loves her Luna, our 2 year old Paint filly. She even has tried to protect Luna from strangers that come over. I have to really watch her, as I have caught her turning her butt to new people that come over. I don't think that she would hurt anyone, but she does swing her butt around to protect Luna.

When all the mares had gone out to be bred last year she became Luna's MOM. Eros the real mom would never let Oreo near Luna, but with her out of the picture, she became MOM. I think it is great, because she is much bigger than Luna, and helps train her to be a horse. Luna from day 1 never did the usual foal baby talk that I had seen in all babies. She would walk up to all of the mares, especially Bear the lead mare, sniff their noses and nip at them. All I could think of is she is going to be a lead mare someday. Oreo let Luna get away with things, but then again, she also puts her in her place.


I just wanted to show you the newest pictures of Oreo and Monday. I was able to get Oreo out into the arena Sat. She was a bit nervous about all the new things to see. But we took our times and everytime she started to get ahead of me, I would make her walk in a circle, then stop and praise her. Before letting her loose I walked her around the arena. Boy did she have a great time, running and bucking.

We found that there was a gate at the end of the arena where I could leave it open so she and the paint next door to talk. After about and hour I just walked right up to her and put on her halter. We walked back to the barn without any problem.

The pictures are on our website We took a picture on Sat of Monday (after he played in the wet grass) and posted this also. If I did not know it, he thinks he is a horse. He gets into the arena and runs laps around the arena. I even saw him change to smaller circles, almost like a reining pattern. Monday and Oreo get along great and seem to love to run together. Monday is not chasing Oreo, just running with her.

Bye for now,


Hi, I just wanted to thank Gail, Blair, and Helen (from Pegisus) for allowing us to adopt this little girl and Monday the golden.

Oreo is doing quite well at her new home. Most of the mud has been brushed off so we will post new pictures soon. She is coming up to us and wanting to be brushed off. Not that she is vain or anything. This morning she even nickered when I brought out her food.

She and Monday get along so well. This morning Monday was sitting under Oreo's feeder and she just walked right up and started to eat her breakfast.

Thanks again to Gail, Blair and Helen for letting us give both Oreo and Monday a good home.


Gail, Monday is doing great as well as Oreo. We took Monday on a drive to buy dog food, a collar, and a leash. Monday rode in the cab of the truck (on my lap) the whole trip. We also stopped by and talked to Steph and Jim. Stephanie was impressed with how good Monday behaved.

Oreo is now coming up to me an looking forward to the brushing and attention.

Again, thanks for Oreo and Monday, I think that they are all going to get along just fine.


I may be muddy......But I got a home! Yeee HAAAAW
Oreo, a paint PMU filly from UPF that TIER was fostering has a new home! She left on Saturday for her new home with a barn, arena, pasture, her own dog and room for more equine friends! Oreo's new mom & dad (Donna & Boyce) have already been spending time with the "wildthing" and she is responding very, very well. Donna also was enamoured of a Golden Retriever (we call him Monday) we had found wandering the streets. After we had tried to find the owners, notified the Golden Retriever rescue, etc. with no luck, we felt that Donna & Boyce & Oreo would be a great family for this wonderful dog.

Thanks to Donna & Boyce for opening their hearts and their wonderful home to Oreo and Monday.



True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025