On 6/17/2013 Olive was adopted by TIER supporter and good friend CJ! Jackie & Olive both went to live at CJ's until Jackie decides it is time to wean this cute baby girl. Jackie will return to TIER once Olive is weaned.
CJ is experienced in working with burros and wanted to start working with her (haltering, picking up feet, leading, etc.) as soon as possible. We suggested that the transition to a new home might go easier for Olive if Jackie was with her in the beginning and CJ agreed!
The picture above was taken at Olive's new home and it appears that she has settled in.
We have been told that it took no time for Jackie to push the corner of the pen until it was open enough for her and Olive to get out and explore. Fortunately, the area they broke into is securely fenced. Jackie likes to wander and doesn't like being in a pen no matter how big it is!