Donate to TIER
True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

7-5-2019: A TIER supporter who helps horses in Kill Pens in Texas reached out to us and was willing to pay purchase price and transport costs from the feedlot to Quarantine for a really nice mule if TIER would take him in.

The Ad read:
June 28 - 12 year old gelding mule. 14.3 hands. Very gentle and broke to ride and work.
He, like so many others, do not deserve this fate. He sat in the "Ship Pen" waiting to be loaded with others on a journey of unimaginable horror, fear, confusion and ultimately a cruel death. He was purchased this morning (7/6/2019) before he was to be shipped. This lovely Dun Mule with the high white socks has been named OTIS.


11/24/2020 - Update from Adoptive Mom

Update From Beth: Packing out metal water cans from Sheephole Valley Wilderness.

Total aplomb with the "banging and clanging".  He is so confident and self-assured with packing and so proud to be in the "String".  

Haven't had time to do much in-saddle work but will start up again this winter.

10/25/2020 - Mule School

OTIS and his friend Peaches at Mule School

Is this not the cutest picture?

9/10/2020 - Quick Update from Adopter

Quick update from Beth, 8/9/2020:  Photos from High Uintas Wilderness in Utah.

All is well. Continuing slowly in saddle.

He has really buddied up with Pretty Boy Floyd the other gelding mule.

Doesn't he look GREAT?

7/30/2020 - Happy Camper!

OTIS just got back from an extended camping trip with his new herd and his new human family. 

He hauled fencing supplies for his new Mom & Dad while they repaired fencing in the mountains.

Word has it that he did an excellent job and REALLY enjoyed himself.  We are so happy to see that this lovely mule boy, found in a Texas Killpen, is living such a rich life with loving adopters Beth & Otis (the man).

6/22/2020 - I have a forever home! It's OFFICIAL!

I have my very own HOME with Beth & Otis (the man)!  I also have mule friends who live with me and my very own girlfriend named Peaches!  She's a Peach!!  We will be spending time at Summer Camp this year.  Thank you Beth & Otis and Jerry Tindell for helping OTIS to be the best he can be.  I've never had it so good!  Thank you!  I have a HOME!

6/6/2020 - Adoption Pending

5/27/2020 - I'm a Pack Mule now!

Remember that handsome mule we named OTIS who we pulled from a killpen in Texas? He didn't know much and was scared and confused about what people were asking him to do. Thanks to his Foster Mom, Beth, he was able to spend some time at Mule Trainer- Jerry Tindell's ranch to gain knowledge and self confidence.

He then went to spend some time with Beth. Here's the latest update: (The other "Otis" is her partner, not the mule OTIS)

We just got back to Santa Barbara from our pack trip and can't wait to report how well OTIS the Mule did!!

We were out for 8 days, riding over 50 miles in Wilderness, mostly along the Sisquoc River trail in the Los Padres National Forest.

OTIS the Mule has either packed before or is a natural.

He earned the praise" one of the best ever" from Head Packer Otis referring to other past new recruits on the pack string.  He was a pro on the trail negotiating scrambles, jumps, ledges, water crossings, over/under/between logs,bouldering Etc.

He is very athletic, strong and never tired.  No problem fear or fuss with staking out on the picket or overnighting on the high line.  He was calm with loading and unloading the panniers, carrying around a 120 lbs of gear.


Basecamp had a 10-acre wild pasture where we spent a few days. Freedom to roam and graze delicious grasses and forbs along with the other mules did much to heal his soul.

5/4/2020 - Update from Beth

Otis is really doing well...his gentle, kind personality coming out more every day.

Sending along photo of our "pony" ride today with his best friend Peaches. 

Otis taking apple and carrot treats from a "stranger"!  This is HUGE as Otis used to be very wary of everything and everyone. 

He takes everything in stride.  Planning a 3 to 5 day pack/trail ride in the Los Padres National Forest in a week or so.

Thanks to Beth for giving Otis such a wonderful opportunity to be the best he can be!

4/3/2020 - 3-27 to 4-3 Graduation & Moving Forward

3-27-2020: It was Graduation Day at Jerry Tindells Mule School for "OTIS"!!!

He passed with flying colors!

In honor of the special occasion, Otis the Man wore his fancy celebration boots.

Now it's on to Packing School.  He has a new herd of 4 other mules all with a lot of packing experience.  He quickly made friends and is relaxed and ready for whatever fun each day brings. 

Thanks to TIER supporters for helping to rescue OTIS from a Texas Killpen, Beth and her partner who is also named OTIS, Jerry Tindell and his assistant Jana, for getting him this far.  Because of all the people who stepped up for OTIS, he has a chance to be the very best he can be.

3-28-2020: OTIS totally adjusted already.  Did ground work this morning together with Peaches and they did great.  

4-3-2020:  Otis (the human) on Annie, Honey, and OTIS the Mule enjoying the day and learning skills to be part of a pack string.  

3/21/2020 - Workin

Beth worked with Otis this morning and they both did great.  Otis is coming on nicely and getting sounder by the day. 

3/12/2020 - Vet Visit & Workin In The Rain

Long as I remember the rain been comin' down...

From Beth who is fostering OTIS during his training:  It was a wet day at Mule School today!

My Sweetheart (who is also named Otis) and I worked him together which went well.  Jerry thinks he is progressing really well and hopeful for his future. He was not lame today. 

Vet Visit Update:  The day the vet was out, of course, Otis was moving sound.  He did the hoof testers and...nothing.  Vet did not think x-rays were needed at this time.  Could be navicular bursitis.  Vet said if he comes up lame again, to call him and he'd be able to do a more detailed exam. The vet receipt photo didn't come out well, it is really light writing.  At the bottom he wrote:

"He is not sore to the hoof testers but has all of the characteristics of a navicular bursitis"

3/4/2020 - No More Hippie Mule!

Wow , another day of fun and learning at my school in Oak Hills.  Beth from Barstow came to see me today. A friend of hers named Lyn from Hinckley who rides Arabians but is interested in learning about mules came along with her to meet me!  I showed off all my ground work skills I have been working on for a week!

Beth and I practiced for 3 hours with my teacher trainer Jerry Tindell.  I got to wear a pack saddle too!...the britchen behind my back legs made me just a bit nervous but I was brave.  I am not nearly as nervous and fearful and they are patient as I "reset my fuse".

I have beautiful newly trimmed feet but my right front foot hurts on and off, they said I might have to see the veterinarian if it continues to bother me. (NOTE:  TIER has an appointment scheduled for Otis to have x-rays done, lameness exam, etc. for Tuesday, 3/10/2020 with Dr. Marteney)

I also went to the barber after class today because Jerry thought I looked like a "hippie" mule with my long mane! Now he says I am a respectable mule. I sure was scared of that big buzzing clipper but in only a few minutes he had me assured it was no big deal.  

3/3/2020 - Brief Training Update

OTIS is doing good at Tindell's Horse & Mule School, Humans Too. Working on his round pen work and being comfortable getting caught and leading. 

Picture: OTIS getting the lowdown at TIER - True Innocents Equine Rescue from Doc (with Jerry Tindell aboard) on his upcoming training.

2/25/2020 - OTIS is gone...

OTIS, the handsome mule from TIER, is gone.  Thanks to Beth, her partner Otis (what a coincidence in names!), Jerry Tindell  ( a well respected Mule & Horse trainer here on the West Coast ) & his assistant, Jana, OTIS the mule has left TIER for training.  Woot!  Woot!

Beth and her partner Otis are mule folks who wanted to give TIER’s OTIS the mule a chance.  Originally they had wanted to foster him at their place, but decided to send him to Jerry Tindell who is a well respected Mule & Horse trainer here on the West Coast.  In fact, Jerry will be doing a Horsemanship 1 clinic in Ramona, CA April 17-19 if you want to check him out.

Jerry and his assistant Jana came out yesterday to evaluate OTIS.  Beth and her Otis were here too, as Beth will also be working with OTIS.  They will be improving their knowledge and skills together!

I enjoyed watching and learning.  Jerry explained things in a way that I didn’t have to stop my listening process to try and figure out what he just said.  Nice!

OTIS was “watchy” and concerned, but not a mean mulie at all.  It was obvious that ground work was pretty foreign to him, but he figured things out.  Jerry had brought along his mule named Doc and worked OTIS. We are so appreciative that OTIS has this chance to learn, grow and go on to find his own person!  He will have the chance he almost missed when he ended up in kill pen in Texas!  

Jana sent us pictures of Otis after he had arrived at Jerry Tindell Horse & Mule School. He is currently living with his new buddy named Doc (Jerry’s mule that he has had since Doc was 2 yrs. old and is now 9 yrs. old).  Jerry called this morning to see how we thought the session went yesterday and to let me know that he will be trimming OTIS’ feet today.  He will call me later to let me know how that went.  

Thank you Beth & Otis for giving TIER's OTIS this fantastic opportunity!!!

8/10/2019 - Training Evaluation

8-10-2019 OTIS Evaluation

Travis Johnson came by today to evaluate Otis & Badger. Attached is the LONG video of OTIS' session. Sorry it is kind of "jumpy" as it is several short videos put together. It covers the major points of the session. Thank you Travis for taking so much time with these boys.

TRAVIS' Assessment of OTIS: Catching-easy to catch with a slight shyness. Ground manners: can pick up all four feet with little coxing. does not attempt to kick. Has very good demeanor and when asked to do something has good attitude and effort. Lets you lead him without any resistance. Can put hand in mouth, on hears, and touch all over. Groundwork: leads well, does hind quarter disengagement well, round penning off line goes forward with medium pressure, hooks on well and comes in to be with trainer. Good with touch. Really good with scary object. Saddling: I dont think Otis has been saddled much but he did really well when he was saddle His weak points were being driven forward when on lead rope and wasnt quite sure on some ground exercises. Overall great demeanor, great effort, likes people and is a good mover and strong.

Here is a link to OTIS' evaluation session with Travis Johnson on 8/10/2019. CAUTION:  It is 27 minutes long!  HA!

8/3/2019 - OTIS has arrived!

Thanks to Ruby Lingo who transported Otis from Texas to TIER, he arrived around 7:20 PM in great shape.  Came off the trailer nicely (I was expecting him to leap down), stood with a dignified look while I smothered his face with kisses from his QT Mom Kathy and some from me, then walked calmly to his pen.  His neighbors on either side are Jethro & EmmyLou. 

The girl donkeys, Jackie & Belle, brayed at him as he walked by.  They were probably voicing their NEED for alfalfa and not really welcoming the big boy.  They don't get alfalfa and make sure to protest that whenever I go by.  Once he got to his pen he grabbed a small mouthful of Teff hay and walked around.  Shortly thereafter, he took a nice long drink of water.  YAY!

The TIER residents were excited to see him and EmmyLou was flirting with him when I left.  Can't wait to spend some time with him and get to know him after a few days of settling in, getting use to new water, hay, ground, temperature, surroundings, etc.  Grady, the stinkin cute pony and Jake, Carol Darnell's chestnut gelding were cavorting with glee at his arrival

7/25/2019 - Headin to California in a week or so

Transport has been arranged for OTIS to leave Texas and head to TIER on 8/2/2019.  If there is a change, we will update.  We purchased a Big D halter (large for his big head!) and lead rope for his trip home.  It should be arriving shortly at Kathy’s quarantine facility.  A veterinarian checked him this morning and his Health Certificate is ready to go.  

7/24/2019 Update from QT:  Ha!  So this morning we got the fly mask & fly boots put on without a halter.  (The sound of the velcro had been making him jumpy). He saw me coming with the mask & boots and took off.  Then acted all snorty when I got to him so we “free lunged” around the pen for much longer than he wanted.  Multiple requests to stop were denied.  Fly mask mask went on first then I took your friends suggestion and started with the boots on his his right side, his "bad side".  He flinched a couple times but stayed with me. He’s such a hoot.  Then followed me around while I petted my two, filled water troughs and fed the cats.  He’s a hoot.

Kathy had said that he was snorty yesterday morning because it was cool.  I asked her to get a picture or video of it (See below).  He wasn't snorty this morning so she had to encourage him to move.  He didn't go too far away from her though! HA!

7/15/2019 - Got My Dancin Feet!

Farrier Day.  He had some trust issues with shoer. We got three of the four completely done. Fourth almost finished. He took all kinds if time with him. I think he will be fine with time. Rob seemed to think he might have been handled roughly. He kinda acted that way.  Left hind was the problem foot. He did good and I think with a little more time we could have gotten it done.  Otis really wanted to trust him but just couldn’t bring himself to.  Farrier got kicked a couple years ago.  Broke his leg so bad it required fairly extensive surgery to put him back together.  He’s pretty cautious now.

He has rubbed the fly mask off twice but it helps while its on.  The boots definitely helping. Legs look better today.

7/13/2019 - I am Armored!

Thank you to the TIER supporters who have contributed to help me get to TIER!  Because of your caring, I am now armored against those pesky flies!  Lookin Good!

My next great adventure will be on Monday, 7/15/2019.  I have an appointment with the farrier thanks to you!

7/11/2019 - I now have friends!

QT UPDATE:  We had an escape this morning. Well not really an escape but Otis was at one end of the pen ignoring me while I was trying to figure out how to get him better shade at the other end. Next thing I knew he had his head over the fence introducing himself to my gelding and donkey, so I left him. He has more grass, better visibility, better airflow, better shade. I'm not worried but of course will monitor closely.

He is happier and has a huge oak tree to stand under during the day so lots of air movement and great shade.  My donkey isn’t happy but my gelding seems to approve of the new neighbor. Not one single scream and for a guy that was a stallion for 18 years that’s something.

7/6/2019 - Otis has landed at Quarantine!!

UPDATE from owner of Quarantine Facility

ARRIVAL: Pretty well behaved. Loaded and unloaded well.  A bit jittery but let me walk up to him and love on him after I turned him loose. He's looking for a friend. He was bonded to a paint that was in the ship pen with him.

LATER IN THE DAY: He's had a little to drink and has shown only modest interest in hay. Will see what the morning brings. He's chilling in the corner where he can't see anything. He welcomes scratches and tolerates my hugs. I like him a lot. He has shoulder bars like a dun.



True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025