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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

There was 40 minutes left until this little one was to board a trailer for another auction or whatever continuing horrors awaited her. She was in one of the worst killpens in Louisiana. The description read:
Breed: Mini
Gender: Mare
Available until 2/15 at noon
Just when you thought they couldn't get any cutier along came this little one. She is a beautiful Grulla mini mare. She is approximately 5 years old and stands 34 inches tall. She is halter broke, stands tied, and is good with her feet. She is a real live in your pocket kind of girl. Easy to catch and handle.

In Honor of a very special lady, we have named her NANCY ANN.


5/17/2022 - Update

Sweet NANCY ANN at her new home with Marlene Dodge at Valley View Ranch.

Marlene says she is very sweet, friendly and likes people, horses and goats. HA! After being groomed, it looks like her coat color is sort of a chocolate roan.

She looks great! Thank you Marlene!
5/6/2022 - Before & Now

4/21/2022 - Sassy girl!

Rumor has it that NANCY ANN is getting sassy.  

Thankfully, there have been no health issues for NANCY ANN since we pulled her from the lot in Louisiana.  She went through her quarantine period easily and was then able to be turned out into the run next to her stall.  

She teases Kathy's dog by running up and down her turnout area.  It seems that she has decided that if it is time to go into her barn stall, she will avoid Kathy and make her work for it.  She even has the hairdo to match her attitude.

She spends some of the day next to OKIE, but prefers to be independent of him.  He stands at the fence that adjoins her run in hopes that she will join him for a bit.  Kathy gave her a Jolly Ball to occupy her time, but she is not at all interested.

3/31/2022 - UPDATE

NANCY ANN is doing well.

She has been helping Zelda (Kathy’s dog) to get exercise by running up and down the fence line.  

(Sorry it is blurry.  Captured from video)

3/8/2022 - Barn Greeter

Seems as if Fancy Nancy (as Kathy calls her) is now the official barn greeter at Kathy’s. 

2/28/2022 - Crate Training

Nancy Ann is doing pretty well with her crate training.  (Just Kidding!)

From Kathy at Quarantine: "Fancy Nancy has run of the barn now.  She’s very neat and only goes in the stalls but I think she’s enjoying being able to see more.  She has yet to talk to me or the other horses."

Nancy can now see what is going on outside.  While she was being quarantined in her stall, she could not see outside because she is so "petite" and couldn't see over the stall walls.  She not only has access to the area outside the stalls, but Kathy has opened the doors to several other stalls for her to explore.  Thanks Kathy!!


7:21 PM, 1st Night @ Quarantine:  So she hasn’t pooped in her stall but she has drank some.  She had pooped in the trailer though. She didn’t eat much. Almost none of the grain so I gave meds to her orally and removed the grain. I’ll try again in the morning. I gave her a little bute and uniprim. She’s a little skittish. Was leery of the plastic bag. She has an itchy spot at the base of her neck so trying to take advantage of that.

2/18/2022: 6:05 AM:  Poop this morning. Drank a fair amount last night. Cleaned up the coastal left most of the alfalfa. Gave her grain with meds this morning. She wasn’t impressed. Left her with that and another handful of coastal so will see what the morning brings.

2/21/2022:  So she’s eating better, though hardly enthusiastically yet.  Water consumption is good.  Output matches input.  She was very skittish today, though she is beginning to react to the word “skritches”. If I can get a halter on her tomorrow I will clean the crusties out of her nose and see where we are.  

Her coat feels rough so I’m going to add in some sunflower seeds once I’m happy with where her health is.  I’m also thinking about getting her a compressed bale of Timothy.  She has obviously been laying down and rolling in her stall.  I think that coat must be itchy.  

FARRIER visit:  2/21/2022 No major hoof issues (YAY!)  NANCY ANN did fine. Was a bit hard to catch but haltered, led and stood decent.  She has something off in her right hind.  Not bad but noticeable if you’re looking. Her nose is considerably drier than it has been.  Eating more enthusiastically and water consumption is up slightly. Output matches input.

2/17/2022 - Arrived at Quarantine!

NANCY ANN arrived this afternoon at quarantine with Kathy at Starburst Ranch.  She unloaded and led nicely.  She does have a bit of a snotty nose and maybe a slight cough.  She has been given fresh hay and a tiny bit of senior pellets with some antibiotics.  We will know a bit more about her health wise tomorrow and the next few days.

The farrier is due out next week and she will have her feet done at that time.  Hopefully she will be healthy enought to make the trip at the end of the month with LOTTIE MAE & SHADOW.

2/15/2022 - On a gloomy, windy, rainy day

It is a gloomy, windy, rainy day here at TIER.  Wind & Rain blurred my view out the windows for awhile.  Let’s hope that we can clear the view and bring a little sunshine to one wee lady.

There was 40 minutes left until this little one was to board a trailer for another auction or whatever continuing horrors awaited her. She stood in one of the worst killpens in Louisiana. All the other minis found homes and she was waiting her turn to load into a trailer with horses, mules, donkeys that were headed to a worse fate. The description read:

“Breed: Mini, Gender: Mare, Available until 2/15 at noon

Just when you thought they couldn't get any cuter along came this little one. She is a beautiful Grulla mini mare. She is approximately 5 years old and stands 34 inches tall. She is halter broke, stands tied, and is good with her feet. She is a real live in your pocket kind of girl. Easy to catch and handle.”

We don’t normally rescue minis because there seem to be so many folks that will step up for them.  Today, with only 40 minutes remaining before she was just a memory, TIER stepped up for this adorable girl.

In Honor of a very special lady, we have named her NANCY ANN!




True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025