This is one of the baby Clydesdales we brought back from Canada! She has gone to her forever home!!
Final diagnosis: I am sorry to say that we lost Munchee to complications. She died Wednesday evening due to toxic shock from a rupture in the secum iliean (not sure about the spelling).
I cannot believe that the course of events would have ended like this ... but, she is in a better place now without pain. I will so truly miss my Munchee girl my pasture & barn will never be the same!

Went to the barn to feed&hellip&hellip.Munchee was in severe shock&hellip&hellipVet was here in 15minutes, and she was blue.  We could not get a vein and she was into the major shakes with jaws clenched and eyes fixed.
Munchee tried EVERYTHING that I asked of her.
The only thing that we could do was to end her suffering before her body went down into seizures.
Thanks Gail for Bringing this beautiful soul into our lives.
I just can&rsquot believe she is gone.
She is now almost 6 years old.....still has the brain of a baby......but, that's okay...she is our BIG puppy-dog, baby of a horse!
She has been trained to ground drive and looks so pretty in her harness...we have yet to find an affordable cart to hook her up to. So, we have decided to transfer her learnings to being saddled and getting her started. Munchee takes to training almost effortlessly.....you almost forget that she is so green, as she accepts things in stride. We have to remember that she really is "green" and take it slowly as she can become frustrated easily, if we push too hard.Here are some updated pictures to show you how much she has grown!
Thanks again Gail for being there and showing me that "joke" picture of this beautiful and wonderful horse-baby (little did you realize that a Clydesdale has always been my "dream" horse). She has added so much joy to our lives!
Munchee continues to blossom and shares her barn, pastures and treats with Dynasty, Luna, McKayla, and Jesse(all TIER-aided rescues) as well as Magic(rescued PMU Belgian mare) and PBC(rescued senior QH).

Do you recognize this little baby girl?????
Yep, this is Munchee! She was playing chase out in the pasture and I decided to snap this quick picture for you! Munchee is growing everyday! Her ground manners are getting pretty good! She is so willing and calm with her approach to training! She is such a fast learner that we have to be careful......because she will also learn the wrong stuff quickly too!!!! I am looking for some help with teaching her to drive! We have her surcingle and driving reins, her bit and bridle (which by the way, she has never balked at) now I just need to learn how to drive!!!!
I am looking forward to the next couple of years to teach her driving and cues.....as her riding will come after that point when she matures out much more! Currently, she measures out at 16.2, still growing! If we have calculated correctly, she will mature around 17 hands.

Just for a size comparison......here is Munchee out grazing with Magic, my 13 year old PMU Belgian mare that we rescued December 2002!

Thought that you might like to see Munchee with Luna as we are getting our flood irrigation in our yard!!!! Keeps the grass green for our horsey babies!!!!!!!!

Here is the Munchee with Jesse in the background!

Munchee has amazed all who know her with that kind and sweet disposition! She is very easy to train and picks up tricks, very quickly! I am trying to teach her to bow as well as getting her ready for some ground driving (just the basics as she is immature and really just needs to be a baby for now!) She readily accepts new things such as blankets, ropes, halters, rubbing, handling, plastic bags, etc., as a matter of fact she will go and explore anything that has been presented to her with a calm and curious demeanor! I am doing ALL of her early training here and am having a blast watching her! I think though that she is spoiling me with her eagerness and readiness to learn and explore, as well as being very clam in her approach!
She is just coming out of a bout of colic symptoms secondary to some sort of gastro-enteritis(sp?). She has had major diarrhea (still does) but is comfortably resting now (finally after 2 days). Vet has been out twice and her bloodwork is fine......just a slight bit of anemia (some red cell will take care of that after she is right again). She has just broke her low grade fever overnight. It has been a scary couple of days!! Vet says that she was cramping and that was the major discomfort, her gut sounds have always been there! We do not know what the cause is as there has been no diet changes, and no one else is having problems! She had been gassy for a week or so and was just wormed on Saturday (Equimectin, never use Quest). Just hit her like a bullet!!!!! She looks like she is now finally over the hump!!!!!! Thank goodness! McKayla, Dynasty, Jesse, and Luna have all been great baby-sitters for her!!!!!!
Hank is still up at my neighbor's barn and is looking great!!!!!! He still has some arthritic days, but is overall in great shape! His trail rides seem to bother his front leg and he gets pretty sore when he goes out, so he has been pasture ornamenting it with a few hand walks and he really loves his life!!!
Here is an updated picture of Munchee!!!!! Talk about raoning!!!!!!!! She is great to have around.....I am so glad that she has made it into my life!!!! Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to become a family with her and aiding us in helping ALL of the rest that have so touched our lives!!!!!!

Thought that you would like to see me walking on a lead!!!!!!! Yep, I am pretty smart, it only took 5 minutes for me to get the idea of moving into the pressure instead of pulling against! Mom says that I will get a BIG reward of going for walks around the neighborhood like the older kids when I get the true hang of this! I really like to follow my big brother, Jesse, around but I get LOTS more pats and praises for going with Mom instead! Love, Munchee Ooppss!! Gotta go......I hear Mom coming and I don't want her to know that I can type!!!!!!!!! She is still a big clod who has no idea where her feet are or what to do with them! She stopped putting them in her water......now she puts them in her feeder (the one hanging on the rail!) and likes to paw the bag of shavings in each stall as we are trying to get them spread! She is such a little helper!!!!!

Meet our newest addition!!!!! This is "Munchee" and she has just arrived to join our family. She is a 10 month old Clydesdale baby and has decided to hang around Arizona and check out the sights while settling in to her new and forever family!!!!!!