#172. Gray Arabian Gelding. Possibly an arabian cross? Appx. 18-20 yrs. old. Appx. 14.2 - 3 hands. This horse rides very well, although he is a little hot. His previous owner was a young girl who learned to ride on him and attended her local horseshows. A very nice older horse that would require an intermediate rider. are!!), Mr. Chips (above) will be leaving the feedlots sometime this week to go to his Temporary Foster Home. Temporary Foster Mom - Regina - is anxiously awaiting his arrival. We are in the process of trying to find a hauler who is willing to haul one horse to the Ramona area - quickly - and at a decent rate!
Mr. Chips will be available for adoption in the near future. I want to thank each and every one of you who pitched in to pay Mr. Chip's Ransom. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to bring him to TIER as we did not have room available. Regina offered to house this elegant gentleman until such time as he is found by that person that has been looking for him all their life!
He will be waiting for that someone.......Is that someone you???
Thanks to all of you, to Regina, to Carol and a Special Thank you to Mr. Chips! It is an honor and a distinct pleasure to have you with us!
Mr. Chips left his foster home of the last 8 months to spend the rest of his days at Equus Sanctuary! Heartfelt thanks to Mr. Chips' foster mom Regina for the loving care she gave him and a big thank you to Equus Sanctuary!!! Mr. Chips will continue to be a living, breathing, loving horse with no human demands of performance placed upon him. He spent many a year in the service of humans. When he arrived at his foster home, he was allowed the grace, dignity and respect to be exactly what he is.....a horse. His final days will be spent with friends at Equus Sanctuary where he will do what he does the very best........be a living, breathing, loving Horse! Mr. Chips............You Are Home!
He is such a sweetie! The vet thinks he is at least 20 years old. His temperment is wonderful and kind with people. He takes vaccinations, deworming, grooming, leading, whatever, in stride. He has had major dental work performed in the last year or so, and his teeth are fine. He weaved all the time when he first arrived, but I also kept him in the pipe corral for a few days, till he was used to the routine around here. Now, he only weaves when he is excited, such as before mealtimes, or just before turnout. He is kept in the corral at night, and eats his meals there--otherwise, he is free to roam the pasture. He has a favorite rolling spot, a favorite sleeping spot, etc. He comes running and nickering when he sees me! He has shoes on all 4 feet, and his feet are rather long--the farrier is coming out next week to do the herd, and I'll post updates then. He also has mild wind puffs on his hocks. The vet recommended that all 4 shoes be pulled, if the farrier agrees. She thinks that a month on turnout with no shoes will do wonders for his legs, and I hope so! Like most of the feedlot horses fed straight alfalfa, he is addicted to the stuff, and switching him over to grass hay is going to be a long, slow process. Right now, we are just working on the proper diet for him. We may need to switch him to a senior feed, but we are following the vet's recommendations and taking everything slow as well. He is a doll!
