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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

MONET - She stood quietly watching the continual parade of people and horses at the monthly auction. A big 16 hand young filly towering over the rails of the small pen.

She politely introduced herself to the mini boy horse on her right and the paint horse behind her. Nibbled the scraps of hay that had been tossed in her pen and gently sniffed the hands of people who stuck their hands through the bars to touch her or grab her halter.

Feet in decent shape, legs clean of any marks or injuries, drooling a bit because she is losing the caps on her front teeth. She's young and doesn't seem to have been used roughly. What would her future bring after going through the auction? Here was a young horse that had her whole future in front of her...good, not so good, to possibly be a breeding factory, used up or even cared for responsibly. That would be determined in part by who bid the highest on her.

They rode her through the auction ring in western gear. She didn't make a mistake. Did everything she was asked to do even though you could tell she was concerned with all the noise from the speakers, the crowd, strange environment, small area to maneuver around in for a girl her size.

We hoped for the best. Hoping for someone that could tell this young horse had potential, quietness, soundness. We watched. When the Horse Traders began bidding our hearts sunk. What would become of this elegant young mare? Rent String? Broodmare? Trip to Mexico?

A TIER supporter made it known that funds were available to purchase her if we could make room. TIER has several horses in need of homes and the economy, rising hay costs, etc. have impacted our ability to help the many horses that need help or a safe place to land. Could we/Should we bring her to TIER?

After much hand wringing and noting which traders were bidding on this girl........

Welcome to TIER Monet! ADOPTED 7/1/2011


6/14/2020 - Winner, Winner!

6-14-2020 Monet Update from Bobbie:

Today’s placings with Monet from our English Pleasure Show and a photo of Monet because she’s so cute.

Ribbons aren’t everything though; especially if you know the truth behind the ribbons. That blue ribbon for first....I was the only one in that class. Those two 2nd place ribbons....there were only two of us riding. They don’t really reflect our riding today.

What’s more important is how good Monet was. I took her, and her breakfast, out of the paddock at 7:30 am. We got to the show and I was too busy socializing with all my horse peeps that I haven’t seen since March at Expo, that I was rushed to get into the ring for the first class. No warm up, an arena with deep clumpy dirt that she’s never been in and she was so good and listened and really tried.

Our horsemanship probably would have helped if I looked at the pattern. I literally realized we had a pattern as I was in the arena and going next. (Oops!). And then while I volunteered all afternoon as arena steward (for 4 hours), she stood quietly at the trailer, munching on her hay and drinking her big old bucket of water. Then after I socialized some more, she loaded right up into the trailer to head home.

I’m so lucky to have this horse. She really is an amazing girl! 

3/31/2018 - Wild & Crazy Thoroughbred Mare-NOT

Mommy and I went out on a trail ride this morning with a few friends. It was my first outing of the year. I was fabulous; sometimes I led, sometimes I was in the back, sometimes I was in the middle.

I also crossed a bridge, went through water, and let all the bicycles go by without issue.

Mom gave me lots of carrots after our ride.--Monet

7/8/2017 - We've known she was a WINNER from the beginning!

1st in our age group and reserve champion for over 20 age group in the Patriotic class!

Monet was fantastic at the gymkhana this evening no separation anxiety even when leaving. Monet placed in every class I had her entered in!!!  Bobbie-Monet's Mom

12/27/2015 - New Picture!

This picture of Monet was when we were in Washington at my friend Jenneans.  It's one of my favorites of her.  Love this pony.
Bobbie and Monet and Mindy

6/5/2015 - Western Gaming!

Monet has taken to western gaming events like a champ.  She loads right up into the trailer and travels well to the local events (whether shes by herself in my trailer or riding with others), she stands patiently at the trailer all day (sometimes literally when there are 75-100 riders), but is quite content with her hay bag in front of her.  She doesn't spook or act up in crowded warm up arenas (even with the young ones speeding around - lol), she will stand at the gate to enter the arena when it's our turn, walk like a lady to her lane and then off she goes when asked.  We're not at a full gallop to the other end of the arena though, mostly because mom is the cautious one, but she willingly canters off.   We've only been doing the western gaming patterns since March of this year, but each show she picks up her speed a little bit and as you can see in the 2nd picture we LOOK like we're flying!  Maybe by the end of the summer show season we'll have photos with us winning prizes!  =)   Thank you again for allowing me to adopt this girl, I absolutely adore her!!!

Monet and Bobbie

12/25/2013 - Merry Xmas

I don't know which one of them has more Xmas Spirit? Bobbie...or Monet?

4/21/2012 - Look At Those Eyes!

Just wanted to share this pic with you. It was a beautiful day here in Washington and the flies were out in force so we pulled out the fly masks. Doesn't Monet look great?

She doing well still adjusting to the hard ground and gets an abscess every now and then. We soak it in Epsom salt and have the ferrier check it out. The ferrier was just out this past week and continuously praises Monet about how well she behaves for her.

The abcesses only bother Monet for a day or so and not even to the point of her eating. She's looking great even as she sheds her thick winter coat. She gets irritated because I'm always brushing her! LOL.

We've got a new TB gelding at the barn and Monet and him have quickly become friends they must know they're own kind! Either that or he likes her because she's cycling! LOL. She getting "Magic Mare" to help thru that moodiness!

We're having a blast she's quick to learn the Parelli 7 games and I'm looking forward to upping the ante on them and see how she responds. Occasionally she takes off like a bat out of hell when all I want her to do is walk on the lunge line but I believe that to be her prior training so we stop and start over. She'll get it she's just not used to someone asking her first instead of right away demanding. I'm looking forward to the summer rides with her.

1/15/2012 - My First Snow!

Just want to share a couple pics of Monet and how she's handling her first snow!

All the horses are still turned out so they can get some exercise. Mindy and the boys are teaching her the snow is no big deal.

Monet is doing well, she has on a heavyweight winter blanket. I taped her last week and she's up to 1080 pounds! Her butt is beginning to fill in and she's looking really good.

This is Hailey (10 yrs old) and Monet. I think Monet must think that hat has cookies in it!

12/24/2011 - Christmas Wreath Apples Are Good!

Monet went right up to the wreath and got an apple also, but wouldn't bite it and eat it like Mindy. She'd bite it and wait for me to break it for her before she'd eat her dainty piece.

Merry Christmas Gail! Thank you for all you do for the horses. Here's Monet enjoying an apple that she picked from the Christmas wreath! She's having a good day, she found a wet mud area to roll in and her fur is getting so long it's a pain to brush! LOL We love you!

10/18/2011 - Update - Monet is a Teacher!

Hi Gail,
Just wanted to give you a quick update on Monet.  Last night was open ride night at the fairgrounds so I took Monet.  She loves being with her little herd, but she walked right beside me out of the pasture and to the trailer. She loaded right up, but was very vocal about saying "See ya!" to Mindy and the boys! 

The fairgrounds was great exposure for her and she did wonderful!   The big indoor arena, the overhead lights, the music coming from the announcing system, the bleachers, the trash cans with cow pattern covers, the other riders and horses, etc.  We rode/walked for about 2 hours and the only thing we actually had to work on was passing the open gate.  Towards the end of the night she just didn't want to go past it.  I'm pretty sure she was just saying "I'm done Mom," but after two different instances of spending about 15  minutes doing some circles and backing up, she would finally walk toward the other end of the arena. 

Then we walked to the gate and I made her back all the way out.  She stood there as I dismounted and walked nicely with me back to the trailer.   I get comments all the time about how well she's behaving and how calm she is when I tell them her age.
She only spooked once in the arena and that was because of the 5 y/o Arab that we were walking next to.  He was petrified of those trash cans on the walk way outside the arena and would walk about 15 feet away from rail so it was Monet who was showing him it was okay to walk close to the rail and by them.  At one end of the arena he spotted a "hidden" trash can and spooked circling to the right.  He was behind Monet and just the sound startled her, but she spooked in place and went on about her business of walking along the rail.  GOOD GIRL!!
Next Saturday is our Halloween trail ride/costume contest that we're going to.  I'm taking both Mindy and Monet but since I can't ride both (laughing) my trainer's niece who is an experienced rider, will be riding Monet.  All the horses will be in costume for the parade, they're going as the Halloween special edition color M&ampM's.  Monet is purple, Mindy will be orange.  Pictures will definitely be posted on the website!
So hope everything is going well for you.  I see Caylee is keeping you busy!   Bless you Gail for all that you do with the horses.

8/26/2011 - TB Adventures in Washington

Hi Auntie Gail,
Mom has taken me on a couple of trail rides. The trail ride we went on last week was fun, mom and two other two legged humans spent their time time laughing and carrying on while me and my two new BFF's did all the work. I think there's something wrong with that picture,,,since she should have carried me!!!!

Mom weighed me last night. I've gained about another 25 pounds and now weigh about 1023 (all guessing of course with that little white tape thingy). I'm still about 16.2h.

I like being up here in Washington. It's still green here we're still munching away on grass and everyone loves me!

Will post pics soon. Mom took some of me and Mindy in the trailer...boy does she have a fat butt! That's my new goal, to have my own "baby got back" =)


8/5/2011 - Update from Monet's New Mom!


Monet's personality is definitely laid back.  She fits in easily with the herd her and Mindy and pasture buddies.  On our trail rides, she's easy going and is ready to run when all the others are running, or ready to walk when they are.  Today she was even in the front for a little and there was one point today though where she didn't want to walk and everyone else kept going and actually was out of our site but she didn't wig out or anything.  She just stood there.  I think it was because of the temptation of all the tall grass along the side of the trail we were on.  With a little pressure from behind (swinging the end of the reins from side to side hitting my boots) she finally moved out.  She tossed her head some, but that's just her version of a tantrum!  :)   She does well with a little leg pressure, and will turn to whatever direction I open the rein up to (I've been riding her western). 

She really is a sweet girl.  I'm so glad you let me adopt her.  We're having a blast hanging out together.  Did I tell you that she can roll all the way over?  Yup, even with those big withers!  LOL   I let her hang out inthe round pen yesterday so she could roll and all, then I gave her a bath.  She did great in the cross ties standing there while I gave her a quick bath.  I did that yesterday because I knew this morning I didn't want to have to spend all that time brushing the dirt off her since we were riding so early.  This way she was clean and only needed a quick brush!   Her mane is starting to get shinier, she's gained about another 10 pounds (she loves her alfalfa hay).

The farrier came out this week to trim Mindy and just touched up Monet as well.  She was wonderful for the ferrier (who is just a tiny little 5ft tall lady).  Monet did all the work and picked up her feet like a pro.  Could almost rest her hind feet on Daphne's shoulders to make it easy for Daphne she lifts her hind legs so high!  LOL  (just kidding). 

So she's been here a month now and is just another one of the herd.  She's fitting right in!  :x lovestruck

Will send more pictures when we go camping again. Bobbie

7/19/2011 - Update on Monet's New Home

July 7, 2011: Monet actually went on the ride with us. She did GREAT! First trail ride ever in the woods, out on gravel roads (she had on easy boots for her front feet since she's barefoot)

July 18, 2011: Weighing in 20 pounds heavier at 1009. Introductions to Rio and Mindy will happen this next weekend (Merlin and Primo will be at a horse shoe), after breakfast and a couple of hours after turnout on grass!

7/3/2011 - Monet heads out to her new home!

As you can see, Bobbie is pretty happy about her adoption of Monet!

Monet appeared to be happy about her future with Bobbie. She calmly walked out to the pasture area where Bobbie's trailer was parked. Monet checked out the trailer, was asked to step up and did so without much hesitation.

With a little encouragement, she moved ALL of her big self into the trailer and Bobbie closed the door.

Monet took one last look back at Moses (who was hollering his head off because his new girlfriend was leaving) and she was soon on the way to her new home with Bobbie where she'll meet Bobbie's other horse, Mindy and settle in with her new family.

Bobbie was so excited to be adopting Monet. Years ago she had rescued an older TB named Indy whome she loved and cared for until it was his time to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Indy sparked a love for big Thoroughbred horses because of his big heart and personality. Bobbie had hoped to have another Thoroughbred at sometime and now Monet will be part of her life! Happy Trails Monet & Bobbie!!

6/10/2011 - A saddle & A rider??

WHAT? You put a Saddle & A Rider on me? I don't know a whole lot, but I will give it a try!

Ok...where we goin?

5/23/2011 - Update

The tooth fairy was out on 5/21/2011 to float teeth for several of the TIER residents. Monet was among the one who had her teeth done. (She was standing in the shade so I lightened the area where she was standing).

It is guesstimated that she is about 3-4 years old. Monet is a lovely, quiet, accepting girl looking for her very own someone to guide her along to becoming the best she can be.


TIER VolunTIER & Monet! This mare is kind and gentle. You can lead her with a hand under her jaw. Quiet and hungry!


Monet Arrives at TIER

True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025