Hi! Auntie Gail,
I just thought that I would write to you since Mom keeps saying that she needs to but, just never has the time! I had to slip away from the barn to let you know about my life!!!!!
When I arrived here in AZ 3 years ago, I was so scared and I did not trust anyone! I hardly remember those times and that just seems like a nightmare that happened so long ago. My days are spent out grazing, rolling, sleeping, and playing with Dynasty, Luna, Jesse, Munchee, Pretty Boy and Magic. I come in my stall at night so that I can have my delicious dinner then I sleep comfortably, as does everyone.....then we get our breakfast and spend the day out on 2 acres, together! We get lots of treats from all of our admirers and Mom and Dad are here to give us all of the TLC that we can handle! We have 2 Nubian goats to play with and plenty of chickens to play chase with!
Here is a picture of me with my boyfriend and protector, Pretty Boy!
Pretty Boy came home here the day before Thanksgiving. Mom and Dad went and picked him up from a terrible situation at a very elite riding stable. They told all of us that he would only be here visiting for a few months until he felt better and could go to live with his rescuer Mom, Molly in Maine. Well, it turns out that he is just my age of 25 and just a bit older than they originally thought. The decision was made for him to live out his life with all of us here! YEAH!!!!! We have become the best of friends and spend all of our time together! He sometimes gets a little bit protective of me when Jesse comes to see me, but, I keep telling him that I belong to him and we can be social!
We have so much in common as far as our background and I have been showing him the ropes around this barn and he has been helping me with my confidence and I really feel that I am alive! I am so happy and content that my memories of that other time in my life have just about gone. He is teaching me to go out on walks following him (Mom rides him and takes me so I won't be lonely, plus I need the exercise!) We don't go very far yet because I get kind of scared sometimes when things crop up on my right side....I don't know but, Mom says that I am blind in that eye....whatever that means! I am learning a whole different side of trust and Pretty Boy is trying to be my guide! I think that he gets a bit over-bearing sometimes, but I really like all of the attention and having my very own bonding friend is something that I have never known before.
Ooppss!! I hear Mom coming.....I better stop typing and get back out to the barn! Please don't tell Mom that I can type........she really thinks that she is the only one here who can write to you!
Thank you Auntie Gail for helping me discover that life is not just to exist and then be thrown away! It is all about love and caring!!! I sometimes have to reassure Mom that I am okay....so, you will always hear me being the first to greet her whenever she comes out into the backyard!