Manalisa is doing wonderful! She has a very round belly, golden dapples and a old lady 18 years w/ a crest neck. She is in a flat irrigated pasture with about 7 top champion appy mares at a breeder in the East Bay (east of SF). She is the most beautiful in the pasture with her QH Body and Arab baby doll head and very long tail, the Appy people have ask over and over to breed her, I tell then NO WAY. She is retired. NOBODY will ever be on her back again, poke her or ask her to give to another human. She is to live her life..most likely to 30 as a lady of leasure. She moves slowly due to her front feet. But seems happy and I will until the day she passes over rainbow bridge, I will pay her bills and protect her. She had 3 wonderful babys out of Barpassers Image. I own #2 mare now 7 years old that looks just like her. Answer to my prayer!
I will never sell her daughter Lily also. I'd rather go hungry than let anything happen to the two of them. It is amazing that she was found by someone on the internet in North Carolina, who turned me onto TIER that knew her from her show days while living in CA and breeding of the 80's. She made a few calls, was on the AQHA message board and then found me by several people helping. I and a girlfriend who had baby #1 and #3 raised the money and brought her home from S.CA feedlot to where she is now. The lady my girlfriend sold her to after the 3rd baby could not get her into foal, and dumped her at a auction in Sacramento and did not bother to call me or my girlfriend. Trust me I send not so kind kharma thoughts to that person even if its been several years ago I found Manalisa and she has a happy ending.