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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

The Killpen AD read:
Sorrel Paint Mare
Well Broke To Ride
Very Sweet & Gentle
Perfect For Kids
In Your Pocket
Has Some Blue In Right Eye
Could Use A Trim
Needs Groceries Asap
Around Late Teens
Around 15 HH??

She is emaciated, scared and they were riding her in her depleted condition!


6/7/2022 - Losing MAIME


6/6/2022 EVENING UPDATE on the lovely MAIME


I spoke with Dr. Mauzerall this evening after she had run a CBC (complete blood count) and completed scooping her esophagus.  Her findings were not good.

Besides having a grade 4 heart murmur, MAIME is in liver failure and has a high white cell count.  Other values are high also (will share report when I receive it).  Based on the values, Dr. Mauzerall said she was surprised that MAIME was still standing.  She indicated that our poor mare was very stoic.


As if that wasn’t enough of a scare (not unexpected), the scope revealed that this sweet mare has an esophageal tear.   The tear or rupture in her throat could have been caused by choke, trauma or a foreign object.  This did not occur recently and MAIME has been living with this tear in her throat for a long time.  She is unable to eat because food cannot get to her stomach and ends up coming out her nose.  She can’t swallow enough food to sustain her body and she is slowly, painfully starving to death.

 In a younger, healthier horse, surgery would be an option.  In MAIME’s case it is not.  Due to her heart murmur, age and overall condition, she would not survive the sedation and procedure.  She has been given pain medication, liquids, etc.


I contacted TIER’s local vet for his input just because I needed to talk to a vet that knows me, knows the work we do (thanks to our supporters), has walked with us through our efforts to save horses and would tell me the truth.  He said that MAIME needed to go to Horse Heaven.  The decision had already been made, but I was hoping for a miracle.

 Jennie, of RJF Equine, Inc., who has been caring for MAIME since we rescued her from the killpen had asked to be with MAIME if it turned out that euthanasia was our only answer.  Unfortunately, that is the case and Jennie will be with her tomorrow 6/7/2022 as she crosses the Rainbow Bridge.  I am heartbroken.  I never got to lay hands on her frail body, hug her neck, look into her eyes and let her know how much she was loved.  Jennie will do that for me and also take a piece of her mane.  For that and all the care that Jennie has given MAIME, the countless checks on her throughout the day and night, trying so many different things for her to try to eat, the brushing, loving, kind words…I cannot thank Jennie enough.  This is terribly hard on her too.

MAIME will be released from the pain, the continual struggle.  She will be whole, vibrant and healed on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

 MAIME, you are loved.


6/6/2022 - MAIME is staying at the vet

Jennie transported MAIME to Benchmark Animal Hospital for her follow up appointment with Dr. Lisa Mauzerall today.  The drainage from her nose had increased, thickened and now has an odor.  She still has not eaten a full meal although she is urinating, defacating (to a point..there isn’t much to expel).

While waiting in the trailer for her turn to see the vet, MAIME was impatiently stomping around.  After the vet had given her a lookover, MAIME proceeded to drag Jennie all over the yard at the office. 

Dr. Mauzerall found that the “squeaking” noise in her lungs had resolved.  YAY!  Her heart rate was up (understandable). She drew blood to run a CBC (complete blood count) to try and determine what is going on internally.  

The increased drainage from her nose and MAIME’s lack of eating is most worrisome.  The last time she was at the vet they found some stuff in her esophagus that looked like beet pulp, but may have been necrotic tissue. One type of necrotic tissue is called Slough; Slough is characterized as being yellow, tan, green or brown in color and may be moist, loose and stringy in appearance. This describers what Dr. Mauzerall found in her last examination.

We asked about the possibility of having MAIME scoped and was there a concern regarding ulcers.  Maybe a vitamin shot?

After speaking with Dr. Mauzerall, the decision was made to have MAIME stay at the veterinary clinic for the next 3 days so that tests and treatment can be done.  They will start tube feeding today.  Nasogastric tube feeding is another way to provide nutrition to horses that cannot eat voluntarily. This procedure is also used to administer fluids, medications, nutritional gruel or supplements. It may further relieve esophageal obstructions.  She will receive Omeprazole for ulcers too.  

The costs involved will run close to 1,000.00 or more depending on what needs to be done.  We have given the clinic a deposit to start treatment.

Per Jennie’s & Dr. Mauzerall’s observation, MAIME still has a light in her eyes and has not shut down despite her awful condition and inability to eat properly.  She was even flirting with a stallion at the vet clinic!  She wants to be well, so we will help her as much as possible.  This decision is based on observances of the vet and Jennie of MAIME’s current state.  

5/31/2022 - Outta There!

Thank you, Thank you to our awesome supporters who make this possible!

Link to video on Google Photos of Maime's arrival at QT:

Sweet girl Maime was picked up from the lot this morning by Jennie of  RJF Equine Inc. where she will be quarantined for the next few months along with GUS!  

She loaded/unloaded well and is now in a bedded stall with plenty of fresh hay & water.  She has a vet appointment for Saturday afternoon!  Woot!  Woot!

If you look closely at this picture, you will see that at sometime in the past someone put braids in her mane.  

Her forelock is heavily matted or has burrs in it.  Look at that absolutely adorable face with the lovely eyes that still have a light in them!!

5/30/2022 - She was being ridden!

This poor girl!  I can't understand why they felt the need to ride her at the lot in her condition.  



True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025