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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

RBJ Madonna (Maddie)
#157 Fleabitten Gray Arabian Mare. Appx. 15.1 hands. Foaled 5/15/87. This is a cute mare that is shy. She is also quite energetic. She rides, but needs work. She would require an Advanced intermediate rider, lots of love and cleaning up. Papers Available.

RBJ Madonna (El Tahawi Dahman x RBJ Manhalima)
AHR Registration number 426776
Grey Mare
DOB: May 15 1987
Breeder: Jerry Ferguson


6/23/2011 - Maddie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge

It has been many years since I last contacted you.  Maddie and mine adventures took us from Ca to TX and finally to AL. It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing totell you I put her down Friday, June 17.  Maddie had cancer and I thought it best to let her go.  Please know I still have Sunflower (PC Demure Elegance) and that she was with Maddie on her final adventure.
Thought you might like some of these pics taken throughout the years. 




Maddie and I stretched our wings together for thr first time yesterday. It was as wonderful as I had dreamed it would and could be. Those nay sayers who said I'd never be able to ride her because she tripped should see my little girl go. We weren't exactly "polished" (Scottsdale isn't in our future) but we looked good together and it felt so most excellent. I can't even begin to describe it. And none of it would've been possible without you. Without you I never would've found Maddie and she would've ended up filly fillet! We still have quite a ways to go...all the rain has not helped anything...but I know she and I will continue flying together. Thank you again.


Dear Auntie Gail

I wanted you to know that I came home yesterday. Mom and Auntie Marla sent me to boarding school. I didn't like it at first, but made friends including a cranky, very pregnant mare named Dee. She's real cranky because she' so huge-like a brick house-and can't see her hooves. When I first went there, Dee would grind her teeth at me. I'd flatten my ears back all the way and turn my butt to her. Sometimes she made me so mad I kicked at her. While at school, I had to learn some manners. I learned that horses aren't supposed to crawl into their owner's laps. I'm not really all that big, but mom thinks it's better that way. I now know how to stand quietly when tied, allow people to trim my whiskers with a buzzy thing. That actually kind of tickles but scared me half to death the first time. I also learned how to go into a wash rack. Holly, told my mom I was a "monster" the first time we did this. Well, even though the water was warm, I just wasn't prepared. But, actually after I got used to it, it was kind of nice. I wish they had bubble bath - that'd be even better. Last weekend mom and the other aunties came to visit me at school. Mom, this skinny cowboy and I went into the round pen. I even learned about those while in school. I don't know what they talked about, but they interrupted my dinner. I was good and did as asked. I did surprise my mom by rearing, only a little to show her I could, when we were going back to my room.

As I said, mom and Auntie Marla came to school yesterday, loaded me up and we came home. My friends Moma Swing and coda were there waiting for me. Oh, it feels so good to be in my own stall, my own waterer and feed bin. After I got resettled, mom let me go into the arena. Oh, the joy of running free, as fast as I could, tail up in the air, jumping, twisting and tossing my head from side to side. The best was finding my favorite rolling spot and just rolling time and time again.

Mom says that school is not over. She says the skinny cowboy is going to be my private tutor. We still have work to do and a very important date - June 1, 2001. More about that later. Anyway, it's time to eat and have sweet dreams in my own stall.  

Thanks for saving me Aunt Gail.

Maddie Mae


This update on Maddie (Queen of the May) is long over due. I apologize but have had company for the last month.

As you were well aware, Maddie had an abscess when we brought her home from the feed lot. That abscess erupted the first day I was out of town on a business trip. But Maddie's aunties can to my husband's rescue -- helping him clean it and put peroxide and betadine in the wound. Unfortunately the opening was quite small so getting the cleansing agents in it was quite difficult. That was followed by a much larger one, that literally exploded on my birthday (June 1). We are quite proud of Maddie and how much she trusted us to take care of her. She was a model patient standing quietly eating carrots as we cleansed the wound with hydrogen peroxide and betadine. That abscess was totally cleared up within two weeks. A third abscess DID NOT appear. Thank goodness.

Next it was on to pedicures. She did quite well, again taking it all in stride. Last week the chiropractor was out and adjusted her. Again, she took it just as she does everything else -- very calmly. She no longer single tracks nearly as bad as she did. We believe with another adjustment or two, the single tracking might disappear all together. WE have exercises to do to strengthen her muscles and we go on walks every day. She eats like a horse and is gaining weight back, you can still see some ribs but not bad at all.

One of Maddies favorite things is to dominate our two year old. Boy, does she get after him when they're in the arena. Her ears go flat back, and she'll scoot after him, neck stretched out and mouth wide open.

Last weekend the most special thing occurred. Maddie was in the arena and I was going to move her back to her stall. After I put her halter on, I called my husband and he gave me a leg up. I just draped my body weight across her so she could get used to it. Then we walked around the arena. Again, Maddie showed no signs of rejecting me. So I slid off, my husband gave me another leg up, and this time (for the first time since we got her) I sat astride my horse and my husband led me around the arena. A wonderful feeling.

We have lots more work to do before we go on any trails but I am very happy with the progress we've made and can't imagine not having her in my life. Thanks so much for allowing me to adopted Maddie.



RBJ Madonna is a predominantly Egyptian bred Arabian mare. She is descended close-up from some of the greatest Arabian horses in history. Her sire El Tahawi Dahman was sired by El Tahawi Fagir who was bred by Ahmed Hamza of the Hamden Stables in Egypt. Hamden stables, founded by Ahmed Hamza Pasha was home to some of the most select breeding stock in Egypt. El Tahawi Fagir was imported from Austria to the U.S. in 1979. Her sire's dam Akulah, imported from Germany in 1979, is a daughter of the renowned broodmare sire El Hilal.

RBJ Madonna's Dam (RBJ Monhalima) was sired by a son of Ansata Ibn Halima, one of the most beautiful and influential stallions of the Ansata Arabian Stud breeding program. Ansata Ibn Halima was U.S. National Top Ten Stallion in 1966, 67 and 69. He is sire of numerous national and world champions. RBJ Monhalima's pedigree also contains the Arabian greats -- Ibn Moniet El Nefous, Antez, and Hallany Mistanny.

This lovely mare has found a home right here in California! Her new mom, Leslie, is in the process of sprucing up her new quarters and arranging transport to her luxurious accomodations. Her mom has also given her new barn name of Maddie. This is not Leslie first rescue horse and she is to be commended for her opening her home, heart and life to horses in need. Thank you Leslie! We will be awaiting updates on Maddie!

Here's the first letter from "Maddie"...formerly known as RBJ Madonna!

Dear Auntie Gail

You picked me some good new people. How did you do that. They are my knights in shining armor and arrived in a white truck and trailer.

First I played a little hard to get -- just to test them. See how patient she was, if she yelled, threw temper tantrums you know that sort of thing. Well, she passed my test.

After I decided they would do, I loaded right up. But then they made me wait. The other lady, not my mom, was looking at a dark gray Azteca in the first pen. Finally after whinnying my displeasure, that I wanted to get the hell out of Dodge, they complied and off we went. I got to munch on some sweet #2 and carrot pieces. The trip was long and made longer because two people had to take a potty stop.

Well, we made it home. I was a little concerned about backing out of the trailer but they talked me into it.

My room was ready and waiting! I have a great room!!! It's a double and I don't have to share. I have my own sweet well water and #2 hay with carrot pieces. I also have my own ramada -tre-continental! I walked in big circles, round and round to see and smell everything. You don't hear lots of cars driving by but I saw plenty of bunnies and birds. I also hear crickets!

She came out this morning and gave me a few carrot pieces. Then we talked. She now knows I like my butt scratched and she does it so good. Her reward was that I let her pick my feet up. She didn't run away when she saw my snot nose! that's good because I have a snotty nose right now. Then she just started to brush me of course she let me smell everything first. Then they gave me breakfast. Oh, it tasted so good. And the flowers are blooming. Everything is so sweet smelling here.

She also says this is where we'll be forever. That I'm home. That sounds good. My mom also says I have a big, big family ... The Boys (Coda and Shiloh), Mama Swing and Aunties Carolyn, Gail, Kim, Leah, Diane Marla, and Cathy, my dad and an Uncle Carl who's moving here to help take care of us all cause mom and dad have to work

I promise to write more. Thanks you for putting such a good picture of me on the computer and finding me a nice new family.




True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025