First off, let me say that I am accident prone. Seems I manage to to get cuts, scrapes, dings and dents just because I am jaunty, lighthearted and a klutz. I put a dent, scrape on my face a couple months ago that made a flap of skin on my beautiful face. It was cleaned & medicated regularly and I regularly rubbed it and dinged it over and over. The picture below was taken at the beginning of July. The top of the flap did not adhere because I kept aggravating it.
By August, I had created an impressive looking rhinoceros horn!
I am supposed to be at Summer School with Dana & Kelly Stark to get a little more time and miles under my belt. Dana was taking one of her horses back to the vet (Spirit) for a follow up on a recent surgery. TIER, in their wisdom, thought it was a good opportunity to have me go along and have my horn reduced. Afterall, it should only be a snip off the horn, medication and after care kind of thing. Right?
Of course not. We went to a very well known veterinary establishment renowned for their veterinary and surgical skills and what TIER thought was a simple procedure ended up being one pricey rhino horn removal!
Vet bills for TIER this year have been high and are climbing! But, after the procedure I got a Super Hero Mask!
I love it so much that I've already tried rubbing it off. The bonus is that it makes me look so cool and Super Heroish...especially at night! Don't I look awesome??