One year ago on June 27, 1998, I went to one of the feedlots in Southern California in answer to a plea from the AHRN (Arabian Horse Rescue Network) to pay the ransom on an Arabian mare that was destined to board the next truck to the slaughterhouse.
I met with the Director of AHRN at the feedlot and paid the feedlot owner for the mare, sight unseen. There was some confusion as to which mare it was that had not received donations through AHRN. There were 5 Arabians at this particular feedlot, but at that time, only 4 had received enough donations to pay their ransom. I figured it was only a paycheck (650.00) and if the horse was too much for me to handle, my new rescue friends would assist me in finding her a safe, responsible, healthy home for life.
I named the mare Liberty (Libbey for short). Two weeks after her near escape from death at a slaughterhouse, she came down with strangles. Fortunately, Libbey was fairly healthy and did not have complications, but, my education in dealing with rescues had begun!
Libbey was not a personable horse to begin with. When you entered her pen, she would turn her head away. Most times she would stick her head in the chicken coop. She was depressed and withdrawn. She allowed Renee and myself to doctor her, but she always had a wary look in her eye. When we took her out of her pen, she would become anxious and hot. It was this trait that kept her from going to the summer camps and doomed her to a trip to the slaughterhouse. Children at the summer camps would be unable to ride such a hot horse.
Renee worked her "Renee Magic" and Libbey became somewhat more personable. She was then sent to a trainer that does non-resistive training. We had been told that Libbey was around 15 - 17 yrs. old.  When I had a vet come out to float her teeth, he told me she was more like 20 yrs. old!!! I was saddened. You see, that meant my time with this lovely animal would not be as long as I had hoped for. The vet did say she was in wonderful shape and that Arabians live quite awhile!
At 20 yrs. old this awesome mare went into training to calm the prancing out of her. And, much to the amazement of those who knew her age, she responded! She is a kind and willing mare with people, but with other horses she is a lead mare and very, very possesive of her food! She began to change from that distant mare into an open and giving one. She would nicker at me or Blair (my husband) when we would start hollering her name across the stable! She is now waiting for us when we come up to her and she breathes her breath into my face. She hugs and she will come on cue. She has a light in her beautiful eyes that makes me cry with love and gratefulness that she is in my life.
Due to financial reasons, we were unable to afford a pen to bring Libbey home. I had made a vow to myself some months ago that Libbey would be home by at least June 27, 1999. One year to the day that she was ransomed and released from the feedlot. I did what most of us that rescue do at one time or another. I didn't pay some bills and did pay for a pen so my lovely Libbey could come home.
It is with great emotion, gratitude to those who have supported me in my efforts, a deep love of this mare, love in my heart for the horses in need and the people who answer their call that I say......
She arrived on June 27, 1999.
Because of this mare being in need and invisibly drawing me to her, I was able to view the pens at this feedlot full of horses destined to die (and other feedlots) and make a concious decision to help as best I could. Because of Libbey and Chance (a whole nother story!) I posted a list of horses in need in the hopes that someone, somewhere, would reach out to help these horses. You have answered and you continue to answer their call.
Little did I guess how many of you would respond to the plight of these horses. And thus, True Innocents Equine Rescue was born. Totally unplanned. All I wanted to do was help the horses.
Because of you, I don't have to try to do this alone. WE are doing it.
We are helping some horses. I thank you all!
By the way....... LIBBEY IS HOME!