The Ad read: Quarter horse for sale he must go. 6 Years old.
2/26/2023 - Found My Valentine!
It has been a cold, windy & wet February here in California. Rain day after day and mud galore! Horses have donned their very best winter coats to protect themselves from the onslaught of cold & wet. The winter woolies might make them look scraggly and unkept, but it sure didn't hide the inside beauty of Kane from a lovely young lady.
The pair seemed to know each other right from the start.
February is the Valentine month and Kane seems to have found his with this beautiful girl.
Look at the smiles on their faces! They bring warmth to each other during this chilly time. Won't be long before Kane is back looking like his handsome self. Here's hoping the future is a time when he will have his very own girl.
Thank you Marlene Dodge of Valley View Ranch Equine Rescue for providing an opportunity for Kane to shine!
Kane, a former TIER resident, now at Valley View Ranch Equine Rescue under the loving care of Marlene Dodge . Thanks for taking such good care of Kane and giving him a chance to be the best he can be Marlene!
4/30/2019 - Having My Own Home is WONDERFUL!
I was very fortunate to have been able to come to TIER to heal physically and mentally. It took me some time. Being cared for without unjust demands upon me allowed me to make friends and learn that not all people are harsh.
Now, my journey continues with people who love me, spend time with me and enjoy who I am. I get to enjoy who they are too! Thank you to those who helped TIER to help me and the other horses that are still there. It has been a long road and this dream come true would never have happened without the TIER supporters!
4/11/2019 - Ain't Leavin Without ME!
Kane's best buddy for the past few years has been his neighbor, JUBALwho was recently adopted. Fortunately for him, Jubal's adopter had had their eye on Kane for quite some time. So, when the decision was made for Jubal to leave TIER and have his very own boy, Kane too got to go to his very own home! WOOT! WOOT!
We could not have asked for a better scenario! These two boys will be together for a long time. Congratulations Kane! We couldn't have wished for a better outcome for you and your friend Jubal.
7/8/2014 - SIDE NOTE: Kane's Tail
SIDE NOTE ON KANE: When Kane first arrived at TIER it was noted that his tail was crooked. Dr. Don Moore (chiropractor) worked on this and other issues. He also had a HUGE knot of muscle between his hip and tail which Janet Bailey worked on quite extensively with great results! But, Kane's tail is still a bit crooked although it is not as stiff as it was. I mentioned this to Dr. Hoyme and after examining his tail, he said he thinks that someone did a tail block on Kane with alcohol which has caused damage. There were no scars to indicate his tail had been cut. Apparently, some folks don't like swishy tails........ "blocking is the injection of ethyl or grain alcohol in the top muscles of the horse's tail. This makes it impossible for the horse to lift its tail straight up, but it can still move its lateral and ventral muscles (it can swish from side to side and clamp its tail down). Once injected, the alcohol destroys nerve and muscle tissue that it contacts. So if it hits the nerve, it destroys it and the muscle is unable to move...if it hits the muscle, it just destroys the muscle. Horses can and have died from the procedure. Abcesses at the injection site are not uncommon. They can also get infections from it, which often is the cause of a death. In addition, the horse can and often does develop scar tissue in replacement of that dead muscle tissue. Scar tissue contracts and thickens as it matures, so what ends up happening is the horse develops a signature "s-curve" to the tailbone" Sigh.........the things animals endure for the human ego.
7/7/2014 - 4th of July Fireworks Injury
Kane has injured his right rear hoof/ankle. Probably due to the fireworks in the area. He is walking toe first. No swelling as of yet and no heat that I can feel. Hoping it is only a bruise and not a fracture. Dr. Hoyme will be out this afternoon. Please send positive thoughts for Kane.
UPDATE: Whew! Dr. Hoyme thinks he just bruised the heck out of his foot/ankle. Maybe he kicked the bars of his pen? Who knows. By the time Dr. Hoyme arrived Kane was walking better and he trotted off pretty good. Still ouchy, but about 75% improved from initial onset. Per the vet, we will give him Bute for 3 days and see where we are. I am soooo relieved. If it is a hairline fracture it will take forever to heal. Plus, wrapping his leg in this HEAT & Humidity won't be real comfortable for him if we need to go that way. Thank you all for your positive thoughts! Woo Hoo! (So Far). Dr. Hoyme did say that he is looking great. Now all we need is a winning lotto ticket so we can get some training on this boy and get him into a great home
7/8/2013 - New Photo-Update
Kane is looking good and doing well. He is the Class Clown!  He is very sociable with other horses.  He is still a little reactive when people approach too fast, but he settles quickly.
He will be seeing Dr. Moore (Chiropractor) and Janet Bailey "The Integrated Equine Body" this Wednesday.
12/12/2012 - Chiro visit, Farrier visit & teeth done!
YOUR contributions help with the costs of Farrier, Chiropractic & Dental care for the horses of TIER.  Thank You for your much needed generosity!!!
I love it when equine professionals work together to help horses. Val Dean Call (Farrier) & Dr. Don Moore (chiropractor) helping Kane in the pictures. Val Dean trimmed Kane's feet and found 3 abcesses in his left front hoof. Dr. Moore adjusted Kane as it seems he may have flipped over in the past and had an old injury. After all the attention by the professionals (Kane had his teeth floated yesterday too! They were in BAD shape for a 7 yr. old boy) Kane is on the road to becoming the best he can be. He needs to gain about 200 lbs. to be in ideal weight. The past injury does not hamper his ability to be ridden.
VolunTIER Kathee says sweet stuff to Kane as Val Dean Call checks out them feet.
12/8/2012 - Kane is a Sabino
Sabino is a group of white spotting patterns in horses that affect the skin and hair. A wide variety of irregular color patterns are accepted as sabino.
Sabino patterning is visually recognized by roaning at the edges of white markings, belly spots, irregular face markings, especially white extending past the eyes or onto the chin, white above the knees or hocks, and "splash" or "lacy" marks anywhere on the body, but particularly on the belly. Some sabinos have patches of roan patterning on part of the body, especially the barrel and flanks. Some sabinos may have a dark leg or two, but many have four white legs. Both blue and brown eyes are seen. At one end of the sabino spectrum, the SB1 gene, when homozygous, can produce a horse that is almost completely white with pink or only partially pigmented skin. Some forms of sabino genetics are also thought to be the most common reason for solid-colored horses with "chrome," a term which can refer to horses with bold white markings on the face and high white leg markings. The most generous definition of sabino can include horses with as little white as a chin or lower lip spot.
12/5/2012 - Kane Arrives!
The Craigslist Ad for Kane listed his selling price quite low which meant that he could possibly end up in a bad situation.  A call was made to Volunterr Mel E. to contact the seller as she was close to the seller's location to see what the situation was. 
A friend had left this horse with the seller because he had moved out of state.  After 2 months, the seller did not have the resources to keep this horse amd the owner gave permission to sell him.  The sellers were nice people, but could not take on the cost of care of this horse.  They really wanted to find him a good home. 
Another call was made to Cindy Henderson of Henderson Ranch to see if she could transport this horse to TIER since his location was near her.  Mel E. coordinated with the seller for Cindy to pick him up.  
According to the seller, this CUTE guy did not have a name.  Since it is the Christmas season and this horse is Red & White, Mel christened him Kane (a takeoff on Candy Cane). 
In the original pictures on the Craigslist Ad Kane's neck, shoulders, chest were showing signs of being underwieght and lack of muscle tone.  Since his arrival at TIER, he has had his head burried in the hay feeder.  He also became quite animated when we gave him some hay pellets.  Hungry Boy!
Groceries, Farrier care & Dental care will be scheduled.  It appears that there is an old injury to Kane's whithers and an appointment with the wonderful Dr. Don Moore has been scheduled for next week.
Donations toward helping Kane are needed.  Thank You!