ROAD TRIP!  Thanks to Cindy Henderson of Henderson Ranch who agreed to transport Jubal to TIER!  We left at 6:30 am to go pick up Jubal and got home around 7:30 pm.  WHEW!  It was a long day with a good friend and TIER supporter. 
Madera County Animal Services was given legal custody of Jubal, but unfortunately he was a "cryptorchid" and it was difficult to place him. 
Cryptorchidism in the Horse
When one or both testicles (testes) are not descended in the scrotum, the horse is called a rig, ridgling, or cryptorchid. Cryptorchidism is a developmental defect in both animals and humans. It is important in the horse because: the retained testis does not produce fertile sperm but does produce testosterone which gives the stallion its behavioural characteristics cryptorchid testes are more prone to developing tumors compared to descended testes and the cost of castration is increased.

2 months ago the Friends of Madera County group raised the funds for his gelding surgery!  It was still difficult to find him a home and TIER agreed to take him in as he had been at the shelter for a little over 3 years!
BELOW:  Cindy leading Jubal from his pen while Madera County Animal Services Director, Kirsten Gross, tells us more about Jubal.

If funds allow, Jubal will need to go to training  so that he can  be the best he can be and hopefully find his forever home.  Although Jubal is well mannered on the ground and is very friendly toward humans, he has been a stallion for a long time.  He is approximately 11-12 years old, 14.2 to 14.3 hands tall.