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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

4 year old gelding mule. 13.2 hands. Very gentle and broke to ride.

Destined to be shipped to slaughter at 4 yrs. old! He, like so many others, did not deserve this fate. He sat in the pen waiting. Waiting for someone to step up to help him, or for 7 days to pass and then to be loaded with others on a journey of unimaginable horror, fear, confusion and ultimately a cruel death.

TIER was contacted by one of our supporters who said they could pay the ransom and transport to Quarentine if TIER could cover the costs of Quarentine, transport to TIER. They sent his pictures to us begging us to take him and another horse (Clyde). In hopes that our supporters would agree that his life was worth saving, we agreed. His ransom was paid and arrangements made for transport to Quarentine.

His new name is Jethro.


5/26/2021 - Steppin Back

Foster Mom Dana let us know that Jethro's ear was bothering him and he had a bit of a waxy discharge.  We contacted our vet who prescribed Dermalone ointment.  Dana gently trimmed the hair out of his ears and applied the ointment inside his ears.  Worked like a charm!

Dana had a trainer working with him until the Covid restrictions, which limited the time/frequency that training could be done. 

Jethro started getting stubborn about going to the roundpen to work and kept trying to avoic it.  After consulting with a well known mule trainer, Jerry Tindell, it was decided to just step back from training for now so we don't make his refusal into a bigger/worse situation.

It is hoped in the Fall, that we might be able to send Jethro to Jerry Tindell for training.  This largely depends on funding.

10/20/2020 - Donkey and mule 1, fly mask 0.

Donkey and mule 1, fly mask 0.. Jethro and his corral pal Lacey spend hours playing together. Unfortunately, their flymasks seem to pay a high price for these shenanigans.

Despite the daily workouts, Jethro manages to stay in more than good weight. Hopefully he will soon begin Training/Tune Up sessions with Travis Johnson. COVID restrictions have put many plans on the back burner for now.

The days are getting shorter. It gets dark sooner and stays dark longer. Jethro's coat is already getting ready for winter. Jethro does have a small fan club and it doesn't surpise me at all. He is such a cutie and so talented!

5/18/2019 - I got to evaulate the trainer today!

Had to call out Travis Johnson to handle an ornery cuss at TIER.....NOT. Travis did a short evaluation on Jethro the Mule so that we might have a better idea of what he knows, further training needed, etc. in hopes of placing him in a great forever home. Things went a lot better than I had hoped. Jethro rocks!

There is a not so good quality video on YouTube with the whole session.  The video on TIER's Facebook page is much better quality.  

Link to Youtube video:

4/25/2019 - I got the moves!

Stormy weather for the last fews days at the QT facility in Texas. Good weather today, so JETHRO decided to lay down some tracks and show us his moves. Reining prospect? HAAAAAAA!

4/22/2019 - 11 Days After Leaving the Kill Pen

Jethro has a fungus or bacterial invasion on his legs and at the base of his mane.  Vet saw it when he checked Jethro and Clyde out on 4/18/2019.  It is being treated with Micro-Tek Anti-Microbial Spray.  If there is no improvement within the next few days we will have Jethro see the vet again to do a skin scraping.  It does not appear to be itchy and seems to be drying up.  Thanks to Quarantine facility owner Kathy's excellent care, Jethro will get the help he needs.

4/11/2019 - Out of the Kill Pens and Safe at QT

Jethro was picked up at the Kill Pen and transported to Quarentine.  It got a bit dicey when his traveling companion Clyde unloaded himself from the trailer before Jethro could get on.  Not a big deal as Clyde took a short stroll and promptly loaded again.

Jethro arrived at the Quarantine facility and began checking out his stall.  You have to watch him as he tends to bolt for the door when it is open.  Probably just being a confused and worried youngster.  It is obvious that he has been handled as he listens to directions well and will even move off when asked.  Yay!



True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025