APHA Sorrel Overo Gelding. Two Blue Eyes. Foaled 4/15/78. Registered. Hollywood's previous owner says: "This is one of the finest animals I have ever owned! He has been a winner in halter, western & english pleasure, driving, team penning, sorting, bulldogging, calf roping and gymkhana. In the past two years he has been a consistant and careful lesson horse for young and old. He has been a bombproof trail horse and a confident pony horse.
Hollywood developed ring bone several years ago. In the past six months you could tell he is very uncomfortable in small arenas and in takling the hills our local trails encounter. He never complains? He archs his body, sweats, breathes hard and keeps on going. His big blue eyes and his huge heart of gold will never let you down. Light exercise is good for his calcium build up in his front legs. Beware, he can smell bute a mile away."
By: Three Jets 2 Three Jets
Copper Grass (Hollywood)
Out of: Lil Polly Baldy McCue
So, he got old and he got ringbone and he got sent to the feedlot. Can't someone find him a home where he can freely roam yet still receive attention?
We had bad news this week - Hollywood died on Wednesday, December 12 of an impaction colic. Hollywood had had ringbone for many years and this was the reason he was at the feedlot in December 1998 when we found him. In the last year, he had also developed severe arthritis.
Hollywood spent his last years as the steady presence in a paddock of weanlings and yearlings. With his ringbone, he couldn't move out of the path of an adult horse if needed and he liked being the big guy in the paddock. God bless you, Hollywood, you were a very special guy and we will miss you very much. Thanks to The Exceller Fund, Hollywood's final three years were filled with love and care. Rest in peace, our dear friend.

Thanks to the efforts of Lee Ann B., Hollywood was saved by the Exceller Fund! Many thanks to Lee Ann and the members of the Exceller Fund for going the extra mile for a horse that has always gone the extra mile. Now Hollywood can enjoy retirement in the lap of luxury!
Here's the link to Hollywood's page on the Exceller website: http://www.excellerfund.org/horses/hollywood.htm