The weekend of October 18, 2013, Carol Darnell passed away in her sleep. Carol was a supporter, dear friend and a member of TIER's BOD.
Many people came together and networked to help place her dogs, cats, horses. It took a Village and I am amazed at what they all came together to do and got done so quickly.
5/13/2021 - Running in Fields of Flowers & Sunshine
The weekend of October 18, 2013, Carol Darnell passed away in her sleep. Carol was a supporter, dear friend and a member of TIER's BOD.
Many people came together and networked to help place her dogs, cats, horses. Two of Carol's remaining Arabian geldings, Tonithetiger & El Jahklan went to live with Kristy M. in Alabama until 2018. They were no longer able to stay with their adopter (life changes) and came to California to live out their lives.
September 2019 Jake went to a wonderful neighbor, Carol S., as a foster. She had recently lost a horse and needed a companion for her Arabian mare. Her mare was lonely and grieving. Jake stepped in to help out.
2021: We got a call that Jake was down. He struggled to get up, but he did. His legs would buckle and he would almost go down again. It was obvious he was in a lot of pain. The vet was called and I grabbed some Banamine to help with pain until the vet got there. Just as I was about to administer it, the vet arrived and took over. She examined him and gave him the Banamine. He was bloated and it appeared that he had a blockage/colic, but we didn’t know the extent of the blockage.
He was sedated a bit and given IV liquids for the next few hours as he was a bit dehydrated. Carol S. changed the IV bags as they emptied throughout that time. She sat with Jake soothing, talking to him, brushing him, just being with him for hours. It was hoped that after he became sufficiently hydrated that the blockage would pass.
As the medication wore off, Jake began to show signs of intense pain again. Carol added the painkillers and sedation to his IV drip as instructed and called the vet again who was standing by.
From the beginning, Poor Jake could not be stabilized enough to make a trip to a vet clinic for possible surgery. The culprit was thought to be enteroliths (stones). The decision was made to let him go. He was only 21 years old. Not that old for an Arabian.
Thank you for trying so hard to save him Carol S. He was a redheaded delight and will be missed terribly. He is back in the loving arms of Carol Darnell where I am sure they are galloping through fields of flowers and sunshine together.
11/20/2019 - Spa Day!
Jake is living a life of luxury at his Foster Home. He went to the spa and got a mud bath! HA!
Jake is being fostered by a wonderful neighbor named Carol. She had recently lost a horse and needed a companion for her Arabian mare. Her mare was lonely and grieving. Jake stepped in to help out. After some time of figuring out who was boss, the two are getting along famously!
6/10/2018 - Redheaded Stranger on the loose!
(Deacon & Jake)
Jake (El Jahklan), our dear friend Carol Darnell's lovely chestnut Arabian, spiced things up when he went on a meet and greet at TIER.
He was very social with all the TIER residents and they all seemed to like him.
Unfortunately, I did not get pictures of him when he broke into a lovely trot with his tail flagged high over his back. He was having quite a bit of fun today.
3/5/2018 - Tooth Fairy Came by...I'm Good!

Dr. Jacob Johnson, DVM of Mohave River Equine who specializes in equine dentistry visited Jake today. As expected, Jake was a very good boy and on the plus side...he only needed a dental tune up!

In this pic, Jakes front teeth are shaped like a smile. Dr. Johnson took care of a back molar that was in need of grinding down a bit because it was rubbing the inside of Jake's mouth. In fact, there was a callous on the inside of his cheek. His coat is pretty rough and Dr. Johnson suggested worming him...which we will do along with worming Toni. We wanted the two boys to settle in a bit, get used to new hay, new water, new surroundings before we gave them any worming medication.

Jake is a lightweight when it comes to sedation. He got pretty drunk right away and stayed pretty drunk for awhile.
2/22/2018 - Yup, I'm Really Here!

Carol's Boys, Jake & Toni, arrived at TIER 2/18/2018. Of course, Gail had misplaced her camera and did not find it until after they had arrived.
Thank you to Cindy B. for fostering the boys for a month & a half while we put up the new corral, found a nicely priced shelter and then had it put up by the wonderful David Y and his son-in-law and arranged transport with the always giving Dana S. Thank you ALL!
Jake & Toni loaded in the trailer like they did it every day of the week, traveled very well and then unloaded like they did it every day of the week. They walked into their separate pens, met the neighbors and proceeded to eat. No bluster, no freaking out, no nervousness. I was pleasantly surprised at how calm the boys were and are.
Jake has gained weight, but still needs to put on some more pounds. He has had his feet done and is schedued to see the dentist on March 5th, 2018.
1/9/2018 - Come to California They Said..
Come to California They Said. You Will Make New Friends They Said.

Jake (El Jahklan) and Toni (ToniTheTiger) arrived in California the weekend of January 6, 2018. The trip from Alabama was over 2,000 miles.

The boys arrived in good spirits, drank lots of water and commenced touring their temporary quarters.

Thanks to our friend Cindy B. for agreeing to house the boys until TIER is able to purchase a shelter for their new corral. WE tapped our reserves & Funds were raised to go toward transport, but we do not currently have enough funds for a shelter/delivery & install. We are working on it.
We knew there was some rain coming, and did not want the boys to be stuck out in the open after such a long trip. Fortunately, Cindy B. did not hesitate when asked if these boys could stay awhile. They have plenty of room to move about, a large 2 sided shelter to get under, Cindy's horses to converse with and some wooly new friends.
Until we get a shelter and have it installed, the boys will stay where they are, be transitioned over to alfalfa hay (they were previously eating a grass hay, pelleted feed and senior), and will be supplemented with senior feed. Cindy will keep a watchful eye on the boys as they experience a new climate, different feed and different water.
1/3/2018 - California Bound!
Two of Carol's remaining horses Arabian geldings, Tonithetiger (TONI-almost 20 yrs. old) & El Jahklan (Jake - almost 18 yrs. old) are no longer able to stay with their adopter (life changes) and will be coming to California to live out their lives.

(Picture of Jake: December 2017)

1/12/2014 - Test Drive
From Bonnie: Test driving the Jake - mobile! steering needs some power fluid but drives pretty well for not getting out much over the last few years!