#166. Bay TB Mare. Appx. 16 hands. Foaled 4/28/81. No registration papers. She has been a broodmare. Paperwork available has registration information and information regarding her foals.
- Out of Walking In Space
- By Properantes
I am sad and happy to report that our "Kiki" as crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.  I am sad because we miss her, but happy because she is back with her beloved Mick.  In her 9 years with us she had a great life of leisure with her devoted pasturemate Mick.  When his health failed rapidly and he left us recently, she was only slightly consoled by the company of another of our horsie family.  Her weight began to drop rapidly for no good reason that our vet could find.  We decided to make sure she would never endure pain or distress from wasting away too far.  She spent her last day enjoying the sunshine and nibbling lots of goodies.  I am grateful to her for bringing peace to Mick's life and wish them both Godspeed.
This Kiki (left) and Mick a couple years ago. They were definitely peas in a pod! She always had that serene, broodmare way about her that did wonders for Mick. There was one time as we were moving that I had to board them out for three weeks until the new corrals were built. I rented two pipe corrals right next to each other. They let me know right away that being separated even by a 3 inch pipe was not acceptable! -) So they spent the time together in one pen. I had to explain to many that I wasn't being cheap, but that they had insisted on that arrangement. After moving to SLO county they had lots of room to wander around all day and even a little grass in the spring, but they were still never more than a few feet apart.

She has been doing awesomely! She and my other fogey TB Mick are attached at the hip and getting hairy and fat for the winter... as "fat as TB's get that is-) . She has shown that she knows what a bridle, girth, and lunging are about. She was probably broke to ride "once upon long ago", but with her weak back and her stiff hind legs it wouldn't be a realistic expectation to ride her much. She will get regular exercise, as I believe that's important for keeping older horses limber and lubricated. She tends to stand around all day, while Mick will walk quite a bit around the large paddock they share. She's much darker now with her incoming coat and a little flesh covering some ribs. Best wishes to all the horses out there.