Deacon (formerly Moose) was at a horse dealer's lot and in need of help. He was purchased by Hicaliber Horse Rescue and brought to their facility. Their farrier put shoes on him for support. He had an infected head wound that they cleaned up.
Hi Caliber accepted our offer to bring this Old Soldier to TIER to join our Old Fogeys group and dazzle the crowd!
Moose is quite thin and he is getting on in age, older, elderly, mature, not getting any younger, or we like to think of him as a survivor who has endured much and made it so far.
He is in need of groceries and major dental care.
12/9/2018 - Deacon, A True War Horse
This morning, thanks to Dana and Gary S., we were able to transport Deacon to Dr. Thomas Hoyme's office in hope of being able to put him on continuous IV fluids. Due to the swelling in his tongue, he had not been able to drink properly for at least 3 days, nor was he able to eat. We also noticed "thicker" swelling in his throat latch area. We were very worried about dehydration, his ability to swallow, and needed more information about what was actually going on.
Dr. Hoyme did a CBC & SMA. (CBC) is a blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders. Deacon was dehydrated of course, just not as badly as I had thought. Liver & Kidney levels were not good, most likely due to lack of fluids, nutrition, age and being unwell.
Deacon was able to move his tongue, but unable to fully retract it. Dr. Hoyme did x-rays and found mass in and behind the glottis (base of the tongue). He could not see the guttural pouches, so he decided to do an Ultrasound. When Dr. Hoyme shaved Deacon's throat for the ultrasound, you could really see how large his throatlatch area had become and it was hard to the touch.
Ah....Deacon! 1 year, 4 months, 19 days ago we were fortunate to have you come to TIER. Because of our wonderful supporters, we were able to help you with some horrific dental issues, Hoof abcesses, cellulitis and a need for groceries. You rallied after years of pain/discomfort from EOTRH. You gained weight, showed us what a Gentleman Horse was like, loved to be brushed, became attached to BABY, made friends with Melvin (Mr. Grumpy) and Pirate. You wandered the property in big, long strides, rolled in the dirt and had a beautiful trot and canter. You were a gift of the heart and loved by many.
We knew nothing of your history, but it was obvious that you had traveled a hard road. You are now with old friends and new friends. No more struggles. Thank you for all you gave to us in the time you were here and all you gave to those who knew you before. Deacon, you were deeply LOVED and I miss you. Deacon, A True War Horse, crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.
12/8/2018 - Deacon Tongue Infection Update
(Deacon this morning)
Vet was out and was pleased that the swelling in Deacon's tongue had reduced. It just hasn't reduced enough for him to swallow. Fortunately, there are no cracks/splits in his tongue from the swelling. Deacon is continuously at the water barrels swishing water in his mouth. I asked vet if he thought his tongue was paralyzed. He said he thought it might be due to the swelling, but that he does have movement of his tongue. Yesterday it was so swollen he couldn't move it very well.
He did receive his Banamine and Gentocin. Vet also gave him 3 liters of IV fluids. We hung water buckets up on the corral so that Deacon would have to lift his head to do his snorkeling act and maybe some water would be able to trickle down his throat. Having his head elevated above his heart should help with the swelling.
(Dr. Gibbs administering IV Fluids)
He swished around in the buckets for awhile as the IV fluids were being administered. Once the halter was taken off he dropped his head and kind of dozed for awhile. The effort to keep his head lifted took quite a bit out of him. Once he had rested he made a beeline for the water barrels.
6 liters of IV fluids in 2 days without any other water intake is just not enough. He is pretty dehydrated and looks awful. We may be taking him to Dr. Hoyme's clinic for IV treatment in the morning.
12/7/2018 - Please send healing thoughts/prayers for Deacon
Deacon was off his feed yesterday and today. When I went down to check on him, his tongue was protruding from his mouth as usual. The difference this morning is that it was a big as my boot and the left side of his mouth was swollen. Put an emergency call in to the vet and Dr. Gibbs was out in about an hour. My phone had been out since the day before due to the heavy rains. I was freaking! Fortunately, the phone came back on around 10:30 AM and I could call the vet myself instead of relaying the info through friends.
Vet say Deacon's tongue is infected. Possibly something got stuck in his tongue, he cut it or....?? Deacon was sedated and Dr. Gibbs tried to feel if there was a foreign object or cut. Due to the swelling, he couldn't really tell what was going on.
Banamine (anti-inflammatory), Gentocin (antibiotic), Excede (antibiotic) injections were given and 3 Liters of IV fluids.
The swelling was so bad that Deacon cannot swallow. He needs to drink. When I was filling up his water, he was very thirsty and I was able to hose his tongue on the left side of his mouth. He wouldn't let me try on the right side. As soon as the vet left he wandered over to the water barrel and began swishing water through his mouth. Rinsing out all the mucous/infection. I buried his mouth and nose under water and began blowing bubble to clear out all the gunk. It is my hope that the cold water will help reduce the swelling and he will be able to drink. I put an extra 1/2 barrel of water in his pen.
Deacon will get another dose of Banamine at 10 PM and in the morning I will give him more Banamine and Gentocin. Dr. Gibbs will be out again in the morning. Hopefully he will be able to drink/swallow soon. If not, we may need to take him to Dr. Hoyme's clinic in Chino so that he can receive IV fluids. The 3 liters he received today helped a bit, but he needs way more than that if he is cannot drink/swallow. Depending on how he is tomorrow morning, we will make the decision as to a) Continue treatment at TIER; b) Send Deacon to clinic for IV fluids; or c) Euthanasia if his condition declines or does not improve.
Fundraisers were done at the end of November (thank you everyone who donated!!) but those funds will not be available for a week to a month. Please consider donating to help with Deacon's vet care. Thank you.
11/1/2018 - Cellulitis Flare Up
Deacon's cellulitis has flared up again. Swelling is almost up to hock. He threw a shoe (right front) and farrier couldn't get out for a couple of days, so he was off on the front for a bit. Farrier reshod him yesterday and he had an abcess in the front right. Cellulitis flared up about 2 days ago.
He is on Previcox and Inflammaway EQ, which seemed to help him. We have started him on Uniprim for the next 10 days. 2 loose level scoops once daily.
7/20/2018 - Trim 'em up!
Our farrier was out and will be back on Sunday to trim hooves and replace shoes for the horses that wear them.
Deacon had thrown a shoe, so he got himself a new set on his front hooves for support. He spent yesterday afternoon and last night wandering around the horse area, visiting with the residents and rolling in the sand pile
2/28/2018 - Grey Horse Rule #1
There are RULES. Below are pictures of Grey Horse Rule #1: "If there be a wet spot or mud, Grey horses must roll in it."
I was in the house, looking out the sliding glass doors, checking out the horses (it's cold out there). I spy DEACON circling his corral, nose to the ground. First thought...Colic...gas colic or impaction or....?! Then he disappeared around the corner of the shedrow. ACK! is he going down in the stall?
Put boots/sweatshirt/ballcap on, hauled myself down there, heart in my throat and there he stood in all his muddy/hairy glory...snickering.
He is filling out. BUT...he has YAK HAIR covered with mud. Just one side...this time. We've been using the shedding blade, comb, brush, all kinds of things to get the hair thinned out some and yet leave him enough for warmth. If we strip him down and then start blanketing him I don't think we'll be doing him or me any favors. Sigh. We've already pulled enough hair off him for a whole new horse! HA!
His dentist is coming out next week to work on Toni & Jake. I was so looking forward to Dr. Johnson seeing how much The Deac had improved/weight gain, etc. We are due for another storm and I expect there to be more mud wallowing to come. Hope I can get him cleaned up enough for Dr. Johnson. Sheesh...
2/1/2018 - Foot Fairy & My Waistline
The Foot Fairy came out to give me a hooficure! He removed the old shoes & pads I had been wearing and only put new shoes on. Hopefully, I will not need the pads anymore! He did comment on the fact that I have no heels! Thank you for taking such good care of me Val Dean.
My waistline and butt have increased in size! I hear humans grouching about that all the time for them, but for me it is an accomplishment! My neck, shoulders, barrel and behind are gaining weight. I can now go out & about in the arena for a little conditioning to help improve my topline and muscles.
I'm also a furry mess! Plans are the making to help me shed out, but they don't want to remove too much hair at once because the nights are still cold here.
1/3/2018 - Hay, Hay, HAY!
12/29/2017 We did the Chlorhexidrine rinse on Deacon after sedation. We regularly rinse his mouth with water and it is always a bit difficult because he is still guarded about his mouth. When we do the BIG clean with Chlorhexidrine he is sedated so that we can be sure to get any debris out of the extraction sites, etc. He is healing very well.
Pictures after each of the BIG rinses are taken and sent to Dr. Jacob Johnson the incredible dentist who performed the surgery so that he can track Deacon's progress.
WOOOT! WOOOOOOOT! Just got this from Deacon's Dentist: "I think that Deacon can transition back onto some hay now. Over the next couple weeks make it a half hay and half pellet diet. Continue the Balance at the same time."
He is gonna be one Happy Toothless Horse!
11/20/2017 - 2nd Aftercare visit
Gaining weight, improved, no discharge, excision sites healing, no bone exposure, good granulation, sutures removed.....WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!
Continue current diet, meds (Uniprim, Previcox, Platinum Balance). Re-evaluate in 2 weeks IF NEEDED.
Dr. Johnson says Deacon is doing better than expected considering this was one of the most severe cases he has dealt with.
In celebration, Deacon got drunk (thanks to Dr. Johnson and sedatives). He was lovingly escorted to his stall by Dr. Johnson due to his extreme inebriation.
Hopefully, it won't be a whole lot longer before The Deac can eat hay again. Tomorrow he will get to go out and socialize with the other horses...unless he has hangover. WOOT! WOOT!
11/14/2017 - 2nd Aftercare Appointment Scheduled
(These pictures are how Deacon looks every morning while he is waiting for his breakfast of soaked pellets & senior feed. No, his tongue doesn't always hang out, but he sure does nicker alot for his buckets of feed. We don't seem to serve his meals as quickly as he would like, even though he is always the first one fed!)
We spoke to DEACON's Equine Dentist, Dr. Johnson and have scheduled the next Aftercare appointment to remove stitches, cleanup any tissue that may need it and an overall check up of his mouth. The appointment is scheduled for 11/20/2017.
Deacon's surgery costs are partially funded by a grant from Brennan Equine Welfare Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Had BEWF not helped TIER with a grant along with contributions from our supporters, Deacon would have had to suffer much longer until funds were raised to cover the total cost of his surgery.
www.brennanequinewelfarefund.com Facebook Link to BEWF: https://www.facebook.com/brennanequinewelfarefund/
Our Donors helped us to cover the remaining cost of surgery, specialized feeds, and medications while other contributions are utilized for the horses currently in TIER's care (feed, veterinarian, farrier, supplements, senior feed, etc.) and assist in our continued efforts to help horses/donkeys desperately in need. We could not help horses like DEACON without you!
Castleton Ranch Horse Rescue learned of DEACON's situation and generously stepped forward to help with Aftercare costs!
Thank you to Special Horses, Inc. for their oh so very special help for DEACON and so many other horses across the U.S.
We are deeply grateful to our DONORS, Castleton Ranch Horse Rescue and BEWF! You have made a life changing difference in the life of a horse who has so badly needed it.
11/7/2017 - 1st Aftercare appointment after surgery
WARNING: Graphic Image at Bottom of Post
Deacon had his First Aftercare appointment yesterday (11/6/2017). Some infection in one of the giant holes in his mouth, but vet said it was not unusual. He cleaned everything up, trimmed some tissue, removed some bone fragments, etc. all of which is normal for the first aftercare visit. He was drugged up good! Poor guy also has an abcess brewing in his RT front hoof. The farrier out the other day and we had shoes/pads put on. He received an injection of Excede (antibiotic) today and will continue on the Uniprim, Previcox, and Platinum Balance. We will be increasing the amount of soaked pellets/senior as he is cleaning up the 20 lbs. per day he is currently being fed. He was eating as the vet was leaving. THANK YOU DR. JOHNSON, CRISTEL/MOJAVE RIVER EQUINE!
Deacon's surgery costs are partially funded by a grant from Brennan Equine Welfare Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Had BEWF not helped TIER with a grant along with contributions from our supporters, Deacon would have had to suffer much longer until funds were raised to cover the total cost of his surgery.
www.brennanequinewelfarefund.com Facebook Link to BEWF: https://www.facebook.com/brennanequinewelfarefund/
Our Donors helped us to cover the surgery and First Aftercare appointment for Deacon, while other contributions are utilized for the horses currently in TIER's care (feed, veterinarian, farrier, supplements, senior feed, etc.) and assist in our continued efforts to help horses/donkeys desperately in need.
We are deeply grateful to our DONORS and BEWF! You have made a significant difference for Deacon!
Another follow-up appointment in a week or 10 days unless we think he needs to see Dr. Johnson sooner. At that time, the remaining stitches will be removed, and general extraction site cleanup (dead tissue, etc. removal, deep flushing) We are cleaning his mouth daily/twice a day with a Chlorhexidine rinse. The estimated cost of his next appointment will be 350.00 and we would appreciate contributions to assist with the cost. Please indicate your contribution is for DEACON. PayPal: whoanellie@earthlink.net
11/2/2017 - 4 days Post Op
As you can see, he is following the rules for gray horses and had rolled somewhere that it was wet so that he made sure he was ready for the photos. HA!
11/1/2017, Tuesday his mouth/lips were pretty swollen. That has gone down quite a bit. Still a bit of swelling between his left nostril/left lip.
It's been a battle to rinse his mouth. He will let me use the hose, but if I approach with a syringe, spray bottle, etc. to administer the chlorhexidine solution it is all out avoidance which includes rearing, striking, jerking his head up out of reach, backing up.
Today I was finally able to touch his lips for a bit to pull them back so I could use the hose, but when my hands are on his mouth area he starts acting up and protecting his mouth. We are working on this and he is SLOWLY getting a bit more used to the lip/mouth attention.
He is hungry and eating the Equine Senior/Hay Pellet slurry/soup. Drinking well and also getting the Uniprim, Previcox, Platinum Balance. Passing manure and urinating normally.
10/30/2017 - Hoping for the best after Surgery
Please send positive thoughts/prayers for Deacon's speedy and uneventful recovery from his surgery today. 18 teeth removed. This dear horse had been experiencing pain from those teeth for YEARS! Thank you Stephanie M. for transporting this boy to his surgical appointment and spending the day waiting with an anxious Gail until we could bring him home.
NOTE from Stephanie: I was blessed to take Mr Deacon to his surgery and he is one strong boy! Thanks Gail for not giving up on him and doing what others neglected to over his life. Mr Deacon deserves it!
Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Johnson/Mohave River Equine Veterinary Service and his assistant Christel for their hours of hard work in helping Deacon have a chance at a pain free & healthier life. LOVE THIS HORSE!
It was a LONG day. Deacon had front top/bottom teeth removed. 16 teeth. Also removed 2 molars on the upper jaw that had gone bad. Lots of aftercare, rinsing mouth with a Chlorhexidine solution, pain meds, antibiotics (Uniprim), prebiotics and probiotics to support digestion and hindgut health (Platinum Balance), etc. I'm hoping Deacon will be cooperative. He's been very protective of his mouth ....with good reason!
(Below is a picture of Deacon's teeth after they were extracted. This may be considered graphic to some viewers.)
This is the picture of Deacon's teeth EORTH before surgery
He had been in pain from these teeth for years! Due to the advanced EORTH that had been left untreated for so very long, this was one of the most challenging EORTH surgeries Dr. Johnson has performed. He administered IV fluids which is not done very often in these types of surgeries. Blood was drawn prior to surgery to see if there was any type of infection going on and the results were negative! Yay!
(Deacon after surgery above & post op check below)
This is a good article on EOTRH -The Horse: http://www.thehorse.com/articles/35688/getting-to-know-eotrh
10/19/2017 - Let him Shine!
LOVE this horse! Thanks to Stephanie M. for giving Deacon a spa day. He got a full on bath with lots of Love and attention!
Deacon is getting 4-5 large flakes of alfalfa, 1 good sized flake of Teff Hay, Three 3 lb. coffee cans of Purina Equine Senior and Three 3 lb. coffee cans of Mountain Sunrise Alfalfa pellets per day. The Deac is cleaning it all up! He is also getting Previcox and Pro Bios. He is FINALLY showing some weight gain. I've been concerned that he wasn't putting on weight as well as I had hoped, but I guess that his system just needed more time to restart after doing without for a long time.
Let Him Shine! His left hind leg still shows the effects of the cellulitis, but not nearly as bad as it was. The puffiness seems to be down more and he pretty much has the run of the horse area when others aren't out and about so that he keeps moving and keeps the blood circulating. He also gets light exercise in the arena.
He cleaned up pretty nice. Surgery to remove his front teeth due to EOTRH (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis) is scheduled for 10/30/2017.
Link to video of Deacon's EOTRH compiled by Dr. Johnson:
9/3/2017 - Cellulitis Follow-up & Farrier
(Deacon cruising around prior to Vet/Farrier)
Had our regular vet out to do follow-up on Deacon's Cellulitis. Swelling has decreased. His leg has definition and looks like a leg instead of a tree stump. The ankle still remains "puffy" and I've been concerned about it. He has NOT taken a misstep, favored the leg or shown any sign of discomfort since he's been here.
He is doing well, but we have a few things to do to help him along. (More medication, sweat/wrap). Weight gain is slow, most likely due to age, EOTRH, long term lack of nutrition, hoof/ankle/cellulitis. Vet gave me a Furacin mix he made up to apply to his puffy ankle/fetlock. Wrap w/Saran wrap and apply standing wrap for 24 hrs. for a couple days, then reduce to 12 hrs. He will also be getting Naquasone for 5-6 days. Continue w/cold hosing, walking, turnout as we have been.
I had the farrier here at the same time because, when possible, I like having the professionals helping our horses to collaborate and be on the same page if you will. Being the "middleman" between farrier, vet, chiropractor, dentist, etc. can sometimes result in me telling one of them what "I think I heard" to the other. Stuff can get lost in translation.
I was concerned about separation of the hoof at the coronary band of that hind leg. It appeared to be "cracked" all the way around the hoof. Both farrier & vet said it was most likely from the continual ankle swelling and subsequent ceillulitis. At this time, it is not a major concern.
Farrier trimmed his hooves/replaced front shoes. He did not put wedges back on at this time. On his left hind leg (the one with the puffy ankle and eventually cellulitis) at the coronary band on the heel, he found a spot where an abcess had at sometime in the past blown out at the heel. The origin of the abcess occurred in the corn area at the junction where the bars meet the heel buttresses. Abcess blew at the coronary band and sole. Still draining a bit at the sole.
Evidence of old scratches on both hinds (long term) w/small active spots on his pasterns just above the heel. Applied Biozide. Abcess or scratches could have been the cause of the cellulitis AND the puffy ankle. Who knows? We can only treat what we have in front of us now. Poor guy just had a hard time before he got here.
8/20/2017 - Swelling is Going Down
Whew! The swelling from Deacon's cellulitis appears to be decreasing. His appetite is good (Alfalfa Hay, Purina Equine Senior, Soaked Alfalfa Pellets). He was turned out to get some excercise on his own and he seems to think that the Hay in the back of the cart is better than the hay in his feeder!
He gets his second round of Excede antibiotic shots on 8/21/2017.
8/17/2017 - My Leg Got Fat!
8/11/2017 - Labs are back!
Just talked to Dr. Johnson re: Deacon's labs.
Labs are normal for his age/condition with no major concerns right now. We need to get some weight on him and do have a diet in place.
It is hoped that he will gain weight well and perhaps the heart murmur will resolve or lessen. Dr. Johnson would like to do the surgery in 2 months if all goes well.
8/11/2017 - Video Of Deacon's Dental Exam
HUGE thanks to Dr. Jacob Johnson of Mohave River Equine Veterinary Service for taking time out of his very busy schedule to create a video regarding Deacon's dental issues and to educate us on EOTRH (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis).  He has been successfully treating this disease for a number of years.
Dr. Johnson's lifetime experience of horsemanship and 10 plus years doing extensive, advanced dentistry will help ensure a favorable outcome for Deacon. 
Link to video compiled by Dr. Johnson: 
Link to TIER's PayPal to help Deacon:  https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8E4UJS233WU6A
8/10/2017 - Just Strollin Along...
We let Deacon out for a stroll today.  He did meet a couple of the other horses, did a big trot for a bit, seemed to have some energy and was alert.
He is eating all his hay (except for some stems), senior feed, pellets and medication.  Seems to have put on a little weight, but it's really slow.  His left hind ankle area continues to be "puffy".  The swelling goes down when it is cold hosed and it looked like it had gone down a little after his stroll.
Deacon & Baby took turns squealing and flirting.  The boy seems to like this little girl and Baby...well...she gets along with everybody.
8/1/2017 - Deacon & the Dentist
DEACON 8-1-2017 - Today, Dr. Johnson of Mohave River Equine Veterinary Services will be out to help Deacon. We very much need contributions to cover the costs of today's procedures and funds are needed for Deacon's future surgery. Today's costs will be around 1,000 and surgery costs will be 2,500. I have included pictures that explain about ETORTH, Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis (link included for better viewing) and pictures that show the current condition of his teeth. 
Deacon has spent a life time of more mealtimes than meals. He has spent years without proper dental care that could have prevented his current condition from becoming so bad. And yet, he remains kind, willing to please and just needing someone to care. TIER cares, and we know you do too!
We realize this is quite a large amount to ask for, but Deacon deserves no less after so many years of being neglected.
Today, Dr. Johnson, DVM, will do a full oral exam, take x-rays, draw blood for laboratory analysis, remove any sharp points on his molars, etc. We are hoping that he will be able to video everything so we can share it with you. 
Surgery to remove Deacon's front teeth will be scheduled once he is helatheir we have the funds. Dana S. has offered to transport him to Murietta for the surgery. (see images below, Pamphlet from Midwest Veterinary Dental Services found online that does a good job of explaining ETORTH and has Questions/Answers). 
Link:  https://www.midwestvetdental.com/eotrh-syndrome/ 
We will be searching for organizations that might be able to provide grants to help Deacon. If you know any, please let us know!
Thank you for being there for Deacon! 
TIER PayPal: whoanellie@earthlink.net 
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA 92504
8/1/2017 - Dental Journey-Phase I
8/1/2017 Deacon's Dental Journey...so far (This is gonna be LONG!)  
First and foremost TIER thanks Dr. Jacob Johnson and his lovely wife Crystal for helping Deacon today.  We had to wait an hour for the rain to stop so we could move Deacon to an area where we could do x-rays.  We also wish to thank Dana S. for taking some of the pictures, bringing goodies, getting soaked in the rain, and her ongoing moral support for Gail. Last but NO LONGER LEAST, we thank Deacon for being such a gentleman throughout this first phase of his dental journey to good health and being pain free.  Love Ya Deacon! 
Deacon's Treatment record and the Invoice (1240.00) are included below. 
We kinda think Deacon is a Warmblood or he could be a Thoroughbred.  Dr. Johnson and the rest of us are leaning toward Warmblood.  Probably LATE 20's or even 30.  Ulcer test done - No Ulcers..Woo Hoo!  He does have 3/5 Heart Murmur.  He is underweight.  Severe EOTRH (Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis).  Fractured upper right molar w/infection (removed).  Swelling on left hind from ankle to just below hock is thought to be soft tissue injury.  He is not lame on this leg.  Cold hose, light exercise and wrap.  Blood was drawn to check for anything else going on and results should be back next week.  He will be getting antibiotics twice a day for 7 days and Firocoxib 57mg, (Previcox) for 7 days then 2-3 times a week until he has gained weight and we can afford to have his surgery done.
Dr. Johnson did a video which will be available at a later date.  The video is to show/explain what is going on with Deacon's teeth and why the removal of his front teeth will be necessary for him to live pain free for the first time in a LONG time and become the best he can be.  It is meant to be educational since EOTRH treatment has not been around that long.  EOTRH is found more often in Geldings although mares can get it also. 
Dr. Johnson took x-rays and put copies on a CD for TIER.  I can't figure out how to download them so I can share them yet.  Those front teeth (upper/lower) are a hot mess and have been that way for a very long time.
His teeth were floated and the fronts were evened up a bit.  The fractured/infected molar was removed.  The removal of this tooth will help him to be better able to chew/process his food.  Something he hasn't been able to do without pain for some time.
Along with the medications, Deacon is getting 4 flakes of alfalfa a day.  He also gets a hefty portion of alfalfa pellets (Mountain Sunrise brand because they are small like rabbit pellets and easier for him to chew) and Purina Equine Senior pellets.  When the pelleted feed is soaked, it breaks down & mooshes into the bottom of the feeder.  It is difficult for him to push his front teeth down into the mush to eat, so we have not  been soaking them.  He cleans it all up. 
This boy required quite a a large amount of sedatives and pain meds over the course of Dr. Johnson's treatment.  Because we had to wait an hour for the rain to stop so we could go to an area to do x-rays, etc. the medications wore off and he needed more.  Deacon was never unruly, rude, mean or a brat.  The medications were only used for his comfort during the procedures. 
Deacon is one of those horses that grabs you deep down inside.  Deacon would be but a brief memory, a picture on the internet for a few days,  maybe a "did you see that skinny, old horse with the horrible teeth?" type comments if not for YOU!  We are so fortunate to have him at TIER.  Were it not for our wonderful donors, supporters, and volunteers, we would not be able to help him or others.  THANK YOU! 
7/30/2017 - First Week Update
Deacon has been at TIER for a week!  He is doing well.  He has had a bath and gets a rinse off every now and then because he sweats quite a bit.  It has been humid and hot this past week.  We are playing phone tag with the dentist and will hopefully soon be able to schedule the major dental care that Deacon needs.
BIG THANK YOU to Deacon's friends who have donated to his care.  Joyce B. brought over 2 bags of Purina Equine Senior for him and Diana P. also brought over 2 bags for Deacon, Lovely, Mariha, Zeke, Glory, Moses, Garrett, Melvin & Rocket.
Diane B. and her husband brought apples from their orchard which included a big bowl of apples that she had cut into small pieces for Deacon and TIER's other Oldsters. 
7/25/2017 - Vet Report - WOOT! WOOT!
Ya know how some horses just REALLY move you deep inside?  Some a bit more than others?  This guy does that.  He is such a Gift!  He just doesn't seem to be a "Moose", so we are officially changing his name to..........DEACON.
Dr. Gibbs, DVM just left.  (see report below. Last 2 items were not related to Deacon-Formerly Moose).  Dr. Gibbs figures he is in his late 20's as there is still some groove visible on his teeth.  Hardly ANY sand, which is a surprise to me.  Swelling on ankle/hock is something recent.  No lameness.  We will just cold hose and see what develops as he gains weight.  He has a few bite marks (not many and not bad) so he may have tweaked his ankle/leg scuffling around with other horses.  Eyes are clear, no cataracts, etc.
Temp, HR, RR, Lungs, GI, etc., etc. NORMAL and he has an alert attitude.
Teeth, he has some sharp points that need to be addressed along with the EOTRH.  He is cleaning up all his hay, pellets, Equine Senior & Rice Bran.  We will wait to have the points taken off until we can get an appoint with Dr. Johnson (Dentist/DVM) particularly because of the EOTRH.
All he realy needs is a bath, food, dental, hooves cared for.  Normal care (other than the resorption issue of his front teeth).  And......Hugs.  He is a hugger.
7/23/2017 - He's Here!
Thank you to Dana for bringing this boy home. It was a hot/muggy ride but all went well. This guy is just the sweetest! His left hind ankle is a bit swollen and he was tired. Not too tired to eat and drink though! Yay! Our vet will be out tomorrow just to do an evaluation of his condition, etc. Waiting for the dentist to get back to us for scheduling. 
This morning he was settled and calmly waiting for his breakfast. We soaked alfalfa pellets with Purina Equine Senior for him and he loved it. Likes the hay too!
7/19/2017 - Needing a little help from my friends
(The picture above was taken at HiCaliber upon Moose's arrival there.) 
Moose Needs A Little Help From His Friends!
Hi Caliber has had his head wound treated, his sheath has been cleaned which resulted in a horse bean (firm lump of smegma that has collected and hardened inside the horse's penis) the size of Texas being removed and has seen the farrier. 
(Head wound after treatment)    (Bean/Smegma)
His hooves were very overgrown on the #2 shoes he had on. Their farrier informed me that he replaced those with #4 shoes and since he has absolutely No Heel, wedge pads for support were added. The farrier does not think Moose will ever be able to go barefoot. He did say that this is a sweetheart of a horse!
We have a call in to Dr. Jacob Johnson, Mohave River Equine Veterinary Service, Advanced Equine Dental to schedule his much needed dental care. Dr. Johnson is the guy who helped Glory with her dental issues, worked on Iris, Maisie, Zeke, Moses, etc. with wonderful results. Due to the condition of Moose's teeth (most likely EOTRH Syndrome- Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis) it is expected the costs will be 400 or more if there are multiple extractions. Glory & Zeke's dental costs were 830.00!!
We also have a call in to our Vet to do an evaluation, etc.
Other than dental care, his most immediate need is FOOD! He will be getting Purina Equine Sr. & soaked alfalfa pellets along with alfalfa hay. We will also be adding psyllium and after a few days we will add Rice Bran. We do have quite a few oldsters here and the Pelleted Feed/Equine Senior costs are high.
Moose is in need of help from his friends. He has had a rough go of it and deserves a chance to get better and be his best! TIER and Moose are grateful for contributions to help cover the above costs.
Welcome Home Moose!