Late Saturday night, couldn't sleep, ended up on Facebook and noticed that Forgotten Horses was posting horses that were going through the local livestock auction. So...I just had to look and there he was. A little black QH gelding with a 3 Bars brand, big QH bottom, but in need of feed and his hooves were seriously overgrown.
Contacted FH personnel and let them know if he went cheap we could take him. I know I shouldn't have...but I did.
I didn't think he would sell low, but he did. Spent the morning wrangling transport, waiting for his arrival, planning rehab feed, arranging farrier appt, etc.
BoDean had arrived! Woot! Woot! Oh My! He is so Handsome! "Bo-Dee-Oh-Doh" is such a gentleman too!
His tongue is cut almost all the way through. Not new, but not real old injury either. The tongue grew back together unevenly. I was wondering why he dunked his hay. Now I know. Poor Guy!!

From: Trinity Therapeutic Riding Center
Welcome Mr Bo Dean to TTRC! Mr Bo Dean is part of our TNT Collaboration with TIER and was rescued by TIER a few years ago with a lacerated tongue probably from a harsh bit with harsh hands. We are looking forward to seeing if Mr Bo Dean would like a career working with our kids here at TTRC. He deserves to be honored for his special talents that can help others.

BoDean suddenly was not doing well. Could have possibly suffered a stroke? He was having difficulty with his hind end and appeared to be weak.
After feeding, BoDean was down and couldn’t get up. Vet came out to evaluate. Vet said heart sounds were washy and he couldn’t get up. Not many gut sounds and dehydrated. Due to his age, heart issues and inability to stand, the vet recommended that BoDean be laid to rest. His quality of life had drastically deteriorated.
Sometimes, the kindest thing to do, is the hardest thing to do. With his loving friend Kim by his side, the vet as gently and painlessly as possible helped him cross the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you for all you gave us our Handsome BoDean! We were so very fortunate that you came into our lives. Rest now and know that you were deeply loved.