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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

Bey Rogue
7/12/2014 - Hip # 871 at the monthly Mike's Livestock Auction. 22 yr. old Bey Rogue.

In honor of Carol Darnell, a staunch advocate for the Arabian breed and who DEEPLY loved Arabians (especially the older ones in need), Bey Rogue was brought to TIER. This lovely boy will no longer be in a position of uncertainty. We have been unable to acquire his registration papers to give him his heritage and identity. The registered owner remembered Bey, Bey (as we call him) but was non responsive to our inquiries.


7/29/2019 - Had my very own groomer today!

27 yr. old Bey Rogue says THANK YOU Alissa for being my personal groomer today!

Alissa is a veterinarian student currently attending University of Edinburgh, in Scotland. As part of the school's program, students need to work with different species to learn their husbandry and becoming comfortable handling them.  Alissa has quite a bit of horse experience, as she has been riding since she was 7 and worked at stables (20 Horses) in the past.  She will be with us for another week.

Previously, we were fortunate to have Brit, another student from the University of Edinburgh, out for 2 weeks.  Both of these young lades have been a tremendous help to the TIER horses.  We are grateful for their assistance and the horses just love them!

The students prepare the pelleted feed for our seniors which includes a mix of hay pellets, senior feed, supplements for particular horses and any oral meds that we might be administering at the time.  The also do any wound treatment needed, grooming, record weight, height, corral dimensions, document vermin control, manure management, clean & fill water barrels, etc.  

7/6/2017 - Happy Anniversary!

On 7/12/2017 Bey Rogue (we call him Bey Bey) will have been at TIER for 3 years.  He is now 25 yrs. young and lookin good from front to back.  Happy Anniversay Bey Bey!

4/2/2016 - Groomer Assistant

VolunTIER Lauren M. had a " helper", Bey Rogue when she was grooming his friend, Baylie. WE LOVE OUR HARDWORKING VOLUNTIERS!

5/23/2015 - New Pics

7/29/2014 - Bey Rogue & Cindy

Huge THANKS to Cindy Henderson of Henderson Ranch for coming out to put the first ride on Bey Rogue since his arrival at TIER!

Bey Rogue is awesome! Cute, Personable, Willing, Trusting and...all those things that are ARABIANS.

7/13/2014 - Bey Rogue arrives at TIER

It was the monthly Saturday night Auction at Mike's Livestock Auction.  TIER was contacted by a TIER supporter and old friend of Carol Darnell (whom we miss dearly since her passing in November 2013) about an aged Arabian at the auction.  This person wished to help purchase the 22 yr. old Arabian gelding named Bey Rogue in Carol's honor if he could be brought to TIER. 

Since we were not in attendance at the auction, TIER contacted Trish G. of Forgotten Horses Rescue whom we knew was at the auction and asked if she could help facilitate the purchase of this horse if he went for a reasonable price.  TIER is low on funds and hay is due to be delivered tomorrow (4k).  The donor pledged 100 and Bey Rogue sold for 180.

Thanks to our donor, Forgotten Horses for facilitating the purchase and the gentleman who hauled Bey Rogue to TIER.

Carol Darnell, this one is in memory of all your efforts for the Arabian breed and the old campaigners that need a soft place to land.  I miss you lady.

He was understandably nervous after a full day/night at the auction with all the goings on there.  He overnighted at the auction and I'm sure there was a lot of commotion, horses being moved, people going hither and yon.  Bey Rogue stepped off the trailer a little anxious but willing to listen to his handler.  He was placed in a corral and shortly thereafter settled in to eat and drink.

What a stunning horse with those big liquid eyes and lovely manners.



True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025