Thanks to Marlene Dodge for transporting Belle, understanding the urgency of getting her to a safe place and reuniting her with her younger sister Jackie. She was picked up in the early morning on Wednesday, December 17, 2015 and arrived in the dark of night (no lights in that area of the facility) at 10:30 PM.
Gail was parked in her truck by the corral with her headlights on waiting for her arrival. Since it was so dark and we were not sure of what type of reception Belle would receive from her sister, Jackie had been moved to a pen next to the corral. Jackie & Belle were able to reacquaint themselves with each other without any shenanigans or accidents happening in the blackness.
Belle stepped off the trailer and calmly walked into the corral. Paco was excited to see a new long ears (he was in a pen next to Jackie and adjacent to the corral), but Jackie didn't seem to notice as she was chomping on hay. Jackie had a mouthful of hay and her head suddenly jerked to the side of the pen where Belle was and she just stared. "Is it really you? Are you really here? It's about time!" She seemed to say. No braying or running around. They sniffed noses and just stood by each other. The braying started (by Belle) when I brought her a flake of hay. Once that had been delivered everyone went about their business of eating and we called it a night.
All was calm the next morning with Belle standing near Jackie while Paco peaked through the rails. I'm sure the girls had a lot to discuss during the night.
Jackie was moved into the corral with Belle the next morning. We held our breath waiting for a Donkey Rodeo filled with running around, braying and the inevitable dominance games of kicking/biting/pushing to decide who was boss. Didn't happen.
Jackie indicated that there need be no discussion about who is the boss because that is most certainly who she is!
Jackie simply put her ears back a bit, made a snarky face at Belle to let her know who was in charge and all was well.
Belle wandered off to explore the Redmond Salt rocks while Jackie (of course) continued eating.
We did notice that Belle has propellar ears...just like our dear Annabelle!
Warning: When treats are given to Donks, there is a high chance of that Donkey turning into a Bumblebee with striking leg markings! "Propeller Ears" allow the antennae to pick up on vibrations from treat buckets, thus making supervision of treat allocation (to Annabelle) much easier. I wonder if they work like that for Belle?