Since Dr. Voltz was already here for Pablo ( Pablo - Pablo has joined the herd at the Rainbow Bridge) we asked her to evaluate Baylie. He was suddenly walking sore on the front!! Had been fine until this morning. Gave him Banamine & Bute IV since our farrier (Val Dean Call) was coming out to help this poor boy. She scored him as a 2 on the Henneke scale.
Volunteers Alisha & Andie (Andie gave him his name) were out and helped hold this wild horse (NOT) while I snapped pictures.

Baylie's feet were so long that Val Dean was surprised he had not bowed a tendon.

OLD abscess from at least 6 months ago still present and others had compromised hoof wall on the sides. Val Dean got it to drain some (Lft. fore). Another abscess under the frog (possibly full sole abscess) but Val Dean was concerned that if he tried to get it to drain there would be blood.

Val Dean applied, iodine, packing, shoes and pads. Rt. fore also had abscesses brewing but hadn't progressed to the degree that the left had. Iodine, packing, shoes, pads on that one too. Removed hind shoes. Shoes had been on a LONG time but not much wear.

Baylie also had his teeth done. Dr. Voltz & Val Dean put him at mid to late teens (15 to 17 yrs.). Has long teeth but not angled like you would see in a 20 year old. Top teeth are long due to small overbite which would cause him difficulty grazing on short grass. So ...if he was supposed to be grazing in someone's yard he wouldn't have been able to get much. (Not that there is much grass or weeds around right now.

We left the gate to his pen open so that he could move around in the front area to get blood flowing to those poor feet. This will also help with his stretched out tendons. As of 4/17/2013 he has been moving around quite well and quick stepped it after me when he saw breakfast heading to his feeder.