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True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

Banjo Jet
In the wee hours of the morning on April 19, 2005 a vibrant spark of life arrived as Skyline Jet gave birth to a wonderous little filly! Welcome to our world Banjo Jet (Jo-Jo)!



Here is an update on Jojo:

Jojo is now being ridden at the walk, trot and canter! She has put up some fights and learned some pretty good tricks to try to get out of working, but they never seemed to work in her favor in the long run!! Her temper tantrums are pretty hilarious. She will grind her teeth when she&rsquos upset, but she&rsquos pretty harmless altogether.

We are still working on making her more &ldquosoft&rdquo and still need to work on her collection. We have really just been focusing on her forward motion. She has also been worked with flags and let me tell you, never once did she mind the flags being twirled around all over her even while you are riding her. It really paid off to work on sensory training when she was young! Plus, she has her Mama&rsquos mind!! THANK YOU JET!!

Two weeks ago, I pulled out the tarp and while my Arab mare was hiding in the corner of her stall, Jojo was walking all over the tarp, chased it and even played with it! Not a care in the world! She has also worked going over poles and is quickly learning some trail course stuff!

Over the summer, she was laid up for 2 months due to contracting Dryland Distemper&hellip I used the product Vetericyn and let me tell you, I will swear by it! Every day, 5-8 times a day she was vetericyned and fly sprayed.. She had it pretty bad, but you can&rsquot even tell today that she ever had it!

After those 2 months of being laid up, we started lunging her to build up her muscle (she lost a bit of weight and muscle) and began building her back up. A few weeks later, we saddled her up in the arena and she was still wonderful! Jojo is a special girl. She has her moments, but her personality is something else! I adore her, she&rsquos my baby girl!!



JoJo has grown so much in the past almost 2 months now. She loves being groomed and has started to behave a bit better for the farrier when he comes out. She lunges, clips, ties and trailers and is almost ready to be started. Hopefully, this weekend I will saddle her and lunge her and see how she does. Shortly thereafter, we will put a bit in her mouth and hope to begin long lining her over the next few weeks.

Her personality is hilarious! The only thing we are working on is that she likes to try to spin her head the other way when going clockwise on the lunge line. Her goal is to try to over power you so she can go back to her stall. However, she is learning that we will not give up and won't stop working until she behaves and stops throwing a fit ) Her fits are pretty mild and she tends to give up fairly easily.

I can't wait until she is ready to be backed! We will wait until she is ready growth wise, but hey, we are in no rush. She is an adorable little horse and really has a great mind! We just love having her as a part of our family!

2/10/2007 - Banjo Jet has been adopted!

JoJo & new mom Leia have already started on girly stuff! Leia has clipped her whiskers with no problem & she will be getting a new manicure by the farrier this weekend. Amazinglinly, JoJo loaded on the trailer behind her mom Jet with no problems whatsoever. Quite an accomplishment by this young filly as she had never been on a trailer before. Her wonderful Dam, Skyline Jet, passed on her good mind & sensible outlook to her daughter. We hope to hear updates soon w/pictures!


Jo Jo is entered in the 2005 Foal Photo Contest...

Check out the Foal Photo Contest on! The largest collection of Pleasure Horse foal photos on the internet now has a way for you to VOTE for your Favorite Picture! Browse the extensive listings and vote now!

To vote for Jo Jo go to the following link:
In the drop down for Sire, put in: Laredo Banjo

Jet & TIER are positive that Jo Jo is the cutest foal out there! Don't you?? You can vote once every day! One of those cash prizes would certainly help towards the hay fund!

4/29/2005 - JoJo on the move!



True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025