12-4-2021 Morning QT Update-BROOKE: Morning update. She didn’t do as well last night as I had hoped. Only about half of dinner eaten. Obvious mouth discomfort so I’ll start her on bute. Mild interest in mash so second dose of uniprim given. I’ll let her eat that and then early afternoon offer her a little more with the bute. I didn’t want to mess with the mix much as she really wasn’t enthusiastic about eating. She drank well, around 5 gallons. Good gut sounds, particularly in the hind half. Nose still snotty but not the faucet it was yesterday. She didn’t move around much last night but there were 4 piles and one small wet spot. Last night her manure stank, stank, stank, but this morning there weren’t any weird odors to any of it.
12-6-2021 Vet Visit-BROOKE: On 12/5/2021 Kathy took Brooke for a short walk. She had to stop quite a few times. She did try to call to the other horses, but her voice was weak and raspy. Kind of like when a donkey is getting ready to bray and they make that squeaky sound. We don’t know if that is her regular voice or if it is just her tired/sick voice. Lots of mucous and she has diarrhea (most likely from the antibiotics and finally getting regular meals). At her Vet check, they prescribed an antihistamine to be included with her daily doses of antibiotics & pain/inflammation reducer. She was also stocking up in her hind legs. Vet will do her teeth on Friday, 12/17/2021 if she is doing better.

12-7-2021 QT UPDATE-BROOKE (After 12/6/2021 Vet Visit): Morning update. She heard me come around the end of the shop and her head shot up! I hadn’t seen anything that quick since she’s been here. Her eyes were brighter this morning, nose goop seems to be drying up. No new eye discharge. Everything that wasn’t soiled was eaten and she was hunting the grain. Looks like her piles are trying to solidify but still more like cow piles than horse piles. At least they are identifiable as piles this morning. She drank very well last night. 24 degrees here this morning. I’ll wait for a bit then take her for a walk. Not as stocked up this morning. Suppose to be warmer by thursday so I’m shooting for that to turn her out if this progress continues.
12-7-2021 EVENING QT UPDATE-BROOKE: Still no voice.
My normal walking pace is fast. She kept up with me for 2/3rds of the driveway. Slowed it down a bit for the stroll back to the barn.
12/8/2021 MORNING QT UPDATE-BROOKE: Quick morning update. She did pretty well last night. Not cleaning up everything but eating 90% of it. Stripped all the left overs out this morning to make sure there wasn’t anything soiled underneath and started fresh. Piles still wet and heavy but indications that its firming up. Found what looked like lumps among the cow piles. Fingers crossed.
12/8/2021 EVENING QT UPDATE-BROOKE: So piles tonight looked more like horse poop and less like cow piles. Still isn’t cleaning every thing up that is put in front of her but eating the majority of it. Always eager for the grain. Headed to bed early tonight. Didn’t sleep all that well last night. She’ll get turn out time tomorrow. Suppose to be 80 degrees.
12/9/2021 EVENING QT UPDATE-BROOKE: Forgot to take phone when I turned her out but as expected she just wandered around sort of exploring. Followed me around as I cleaned the run. She actually left two large horse piles. They don’t resemble anything but horse piles however her nose had a bit of discharge this evening and she was trying to blow her nose clear. She’s still eating and drinking so I’m not worried about it. Jasper thinks every time he gets a new space it’s the most exciting day ever. Run buck play. He’s in a smaller space now but can get nose to nose with the other boys and will always be able to see her. She needs to be a week completely clean before I’ll let them next to each other.
12/11/2021 AFTERNOON QT UPDATE-BROOKE: She is doing pretty well on cleaning up her feed. Still leaves some, but perhaps after her teeth are done on Friday she will be able to clean everything up. She’s pretty laid back. She looks for Kathy at feeding time, but doesn’t nicker or run to the feed area. Her runny nose and the stocking up of her hind legs seems to have leveled out. Medications will be continued for a bit longer just to make sure. She is finally putting on some weight. She’s a sweet girl.