Jenny (my niece) has ridden a few different horses, and of them all, the one she really enjoys and clicks with is dear Archie. You may think she would say that anyway, but it's really true! Archie is so good he's also become "Mr. Popularity" around his training stables.
It seems that a lot of horses have little quirks to deal with when riding, like preferring to go in one direction, needing a lot of leg to keep going, or showing a reluctance to slow down or halt when asked.
Jenny rode Archie at the walk, trot and canter in both directions--he responds immediately to cues, moves out when asked, and stops immediately if you say "whoa!" That may seem pretty basic, but it's surprising how many horses don't seem to quite have the fundamentals down. Then the trainer's husband lead them on a trail ride---one part of the ride Jenny particulary enjoyed was riding through a herd of pet cattle.
Archie is so well trained and level-headed he's just a lot of fun to ride. He also can do some pretty cool dressage movements, like sidepasses and turns on the haunches--all very functional to know if maneuvering, say, along a narrow mountain trail. I think he's turning out so well because he had a good mind to start with, and because the emphasis in training him has always been on going very slowly, with kindness and consistency.
On top of that Archie is so friendly and charming. His trainer and I agreed he is ready to go home at the end of the month---then she announced it to a group of people at the barn. "Archie is going home at the end of the month." It was kind of funny to hear the reactions: "Oh No! Not Archie!" and--"Mary will be absolutely heartbroken!"
I would never have known he even existed if not for you. Really, it's pretty amazing that a horse like this would have been on a feedlot.