Donate to TIER
True Innocents Equine Rescue
Be kind to the animals for they are the True Innocents!
Mailing Address: 17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45, Riverside, CA, 92504
Phone: 951-943-0627

We'd like to thank these companies for their donations and support!

Wound care
TIER tested & approved!


What's new with the horses?

UPDATES-General: Pete & Diane
3/10/2025 - Pete & Diane have been Volunteers & Supporters of TIER since 2014!  Each year they pick apples from their orchard and bring boxes & boxes of apples out to the TIER residents.  We would sit at the picnic table and cut up apples to distribute.   They would load up the back of the golf cart with all ...
1/9/2025 -
Lucille: Lucille Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge
12/24/2024 -

I guess Santa Needed a Helper

Lucille was monitored throughout the night and early morning after the vet gave her some strong pain meds yesterday.  Shortly after the vet left, she was up and down.  She had difficulty standing for any length of time.  She wasn’t ...

Lucille: Prayers Needed for Lucille
12/23/2024 -

Prayers needed for Lucille.  Over the past week or so, Lucille has had difficulty with her right knee.  We administered pain meds and they seemed to help a bit.  But, when the farrier was out, she was unable to bear weight on the leg for very long.

This morning she was ...

Moses: 9/21/2024 The Guardian has left us
9/26/2024 - 9/21/2024 - Moses, the Guardian of the TIER horses, was found dead in his corral.  Possible cardiac event.  He had been doing poorly for awhile.  Foaled 3/23/1992;  32 years, 5 months, 29 days old.  11/8/1998 came to TIER:  25 years, 10 months, 13 days at TIER.   I just can't say more ...

Click for More Horse Updates >>>

TIER Updates

Weidner Cares Team Braves Burros and Sun in California
The Weidner Cares team came to TIER in May to help revamp and rebuild our facility. They repainted stables, enclosed and fenced off several areas around the ranch to help protect the horses from potential hazards, installed a drip irrigation system, and cleaned out horse stalls, and built a shade structure for the burros. The Weidner Cares group has truly made a difference in lives of the horses currently at TIER, the lives of those that may come to TIER, and the lives of our volunteers and supporters. THANK YOU WEIDNER CARES!
Several TIER Horses relocated to Black Hills Horse Sanctuary in South Dakota and the Duchess Sanctuary in Oregon
SPECIAL THANKS to the ASPCA, The Ark Watch Foundation/Celine Myers for their generous help with relocation costs which helped to transport several TIER horses to Black Hills Horse Sanctuary in South Dakota and the Duchess Sanctuary in Oregon where they will live out the rest of their lives free from neglect and abuse.
Local Eagle Scout oversees a refurbishing and revamping project at TIER as part of his Eagle Scout project
TIER Horsin Around
Dear VolunTIERS!

I cannot think of a more appropriate month to give thanks to each and every one of you for all the amazing work and assistance you have given TIER. I realize that scheduling a TIER Cleanup day on a Friday was not an ideal day for everyone and to those of you who were able to give us some time to assist with the CleanUp we are truly grateful. We could not have gotten though it all without you! All of you hunkered down and pulled through and your dedication and donation of time certainly did not go unnoticed! I hardly recognize the place!

Thanks to your tireless efforts water barrels are so much cleaner, the pens are spick and span, corral panels were replaced (this was a Herculean effort- thanks Mark/Julia/Scot!), and Old Blue (the tractor) is back in service (Scot.....we just can't thank you enough!!). The arena area was landscaped to include a mountain of manure!!!! That was some hard work folks! It is our hope to raise enough funds to have all the manure removed before the rains start. We are researching the most cost effective way to have this accomplished which appears to be renting a huge container/roll off and putting Old Blue into service to move the mountain!

Heartfelt thanks to Cindy H. for organizing this VolunTIER day. Cindy not only worked hard at cleaning the corrals, but she also provided the wonderful lunch spread and sodas. Her Chicken Salad is to die for! Thanks so much Cindy & Scott.

We are hoping to schedule another VolunTIER day in the near future that will not be so labor intensive! HA! We want you to be able to spend a bit more time with horses!

Once again - Thank You.

On behalf of the horses and myself we wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

My First Horse
by Debbie R.

Donate to TIER

Every donation helps. Even the smallest amount will make a difference, especially if you can donate on a regular basis. The costs of maintaining TIER's sanctuary - providing food, care, and basic medical services to the horses of TIER are always there. To be able to step in and save a horse in an emergency situation or handle unexpected vet bills, we also need to have a sufficient emergency fund.

By Mail
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Monthly Donations
$10/month / $25/month / $50/month / $100/month

The world is so much better when you know someone cares. It's not just TIER that cares, but people across this nation. The hard work put in by the VolunTIERS helps each and every TIER resident. Our generous supporters who not only help by sending much needed monetary donations for feed and care, vet supplies & supplements, also help by getting the word out. Because of you horses have found homes! Because of your caring we are able to help horses that had a not so nice future. We have been blessed with the presence of each TIER resident who continues to teach us about this wonderful animal we call The Horse.

Although there are times when we struggle because the hay fund is low, vet bills are high, dental & farrier care need to be done, wormers need to be ordered, etc., we know that you care about our efforts and the welfare of the horses. Thank you!!

Isn't this cute???

We'd like to thank these folks for their continuing support:


True Innocents Equine Rescue (T.I.E.R)
17130 Van Buren Blvd., #45
Riverside, CA, 92504
Tel: 951-943-0627
Copyright © 1998-2025